Need help adding second value to each attribute

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11 年 前

I need a pointer as to how to modify the reading and writing of the attributes to allow me to save a second value for each attribute. This is for a pizza product where we want to specify additional toppings, and for each topping specify a second value: whole pizza, 1st half, or 2nd half.

The interface was quite easy to modify to achieve the result. I added a new AttirbuteControlType called CheckboxesWithCoverage to the "_ProductAttributes.cshtml" file (added at line 186)...

case AttributeControlType.CheckboxesWithCoverage:
<table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" class="tableOptionList">
    @foreach (var pvaValue in attribute.Values)
        <td><input id="@(controlId)_@(pvaValue.Id)" type="checkbox" name="@(controlId)" value="@pvaValue.Id" @(pvaValue.IsPreSelected ? Html.Raw(" checked=\"checked\"") : null) onclick="togglePizzaCoverage('@(controlId)','@(pvaValue.Id)');" />
        <label for="@(controlId)_@(pvaValue.Id)">@pvaValue.Name @(!String.IsNullOrEmpty(pvaValue.PriceAdjustment) ? " [" + pvaValue.PriceAdjustment + "]" : null)</label></td>
        <td><div id="divCoverage@(pvaValue.Id)" style="display:none;">[&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<input type="radio" name="coverage@(pvaValue.Id)" id="coverage@(pvaValue.Id)whole" value="Whole" checked /><label for="coverage@(pvaValue.Id)whole"> Whole</label>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;|&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<input type="radio" name="coverage@(pvaValue.Id)" id="coverage@(pvaValue.Id)1stHalf" value="1st Half" /><label for="coverage@(pvaValue.Id)1stHalf"> 1st Half</label>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;|&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<input type="radio" name="coverage@(pvaValue.Id)" id="coverage@(pvaValue.Id)2ndHalf" value="2nd Half" /><label for="coverage@(pvaValue.Id)2ndHalf"> 2nd Half</label>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;]</div></td>

You have to include some jquery to toggle the visibility of the coverage inputs...

function togglePizzaCoverage(controlID, pvaValueID) {
        $('#divCoverage' + pvaValueID).toggle();

And I modified the file "ShoppingCartController.cs" (added to line 971) to save the first value, but it is not yet saving the second coverage value (just a copy.paste of the case for "AttributeControlType.Checkboxes")...

case AttributeControlType.CheckboxesWithCoverage:
        var cblAttributes = form[controlId];
        if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(cblAttributes))
            foreach (var item in cblAttributes.Split(new char[] { ',' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries))
                int selectedAttributeId = int.Parse(item);
                if (selectedAttributeId > 0)
                    selectedAttributes = _productAttributeParser.AddProductAttribute(selectedAttributes,
                        attribute, selectedAttributeId.ToString());

And I am pretty sure the file "ProductAttributeFormatter.cs" (add at Line 191) needs to have additional code to display the new coverage value, for now it is hard coded to show " - (Whole Pizza) after each attribute when the checkboxeswithcoverage type is being used...

// Add Coverage for Attributes using Checkboxes With Coverage
if (pva.AttributeControlType == AttributeControlType.CheckboxesWithCoverage)
    result.Append(" - (Whole Pizza)");


What I am missing is two things...

- Storing the additional coverage value somewhere (like the AttributesXML in the table "ShoppingCartItem," and there may be other tables that need it, too).

- Reading the second attribute value so it can be displayed instead of the hard coded " - (Whole Pizza)" text.

Any pointers or code would be appreciated.
11 年 前
I used a pretty easy approach to accomplish this. Where the value of each attribute is passed in by the CheckboxesWithCoverage object, I attach the extra value to the attribute id and separate with a pipe ("|"). Then I simply separate out the values by splitting them at the pipe character on the other side when the display values are formatted for display.
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