Some problems in ef queries

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11 年 前
Az I see in lots of queries in service layer first you mentioned order by or sort and then filters
in this way in sql side you generate a big view and then select on this view and then filter which in large data make cost a big time
for an instance in CategoryService (it is not a big table but for an example) :
we have :
public virtual IList<Category> GetAllCategoriesDisplayedOnHomePage()
            var query = from c in _categoryRepository.Table
                        orderby c.DisplayOrder
                        where c.Published &&
                        !c.Deleted &&
                        select c;

            var categories = query.ToList();
            return categories;
in can be like this :
   var query = from c in _categoryRepository.Table
                        where c.Published &&
                        !c.Deleted &&
                       orderby c.DisplayOrder
                        select c;

another thing which can help in performance is using no lock in big data lists.

thank you so much for your grate architecture and lovely project.
11 年 前
Can you give more details to the generated sql? Looking in the debugger both queries generate:

[Extent1].[Id] AS [Id],
[Extent1].[Name] AS [Name],
[Extent1].[Description] AS [Description],
[Extent1].[CategoryTemplateId] AS [CategoryTemplateId],
[Extent1].[MetaKeywords] AS [MetaKeywords],
[Extent1].[MetaDescription] AS [MetaDescription],
[Extent1].[MetaTitle] AS [MetaTitle],
[Extent1].[SeName] AS [SeName],
[Extent1].[ParentCategoryId] AS [ParentCategoryId],
[Extent1].[PictureId] AS [PictureId],
[Extent1].[PageSize] AS [PageSize],
[Extent1].[AllowCustomersToSelectPageSize] AS [AllowCustomersToSelectPageSize],
[Extent1].[PageSizeOptions] AS [PageSizeOptions],
[Extent1].[PriceRanges] AS [PriceRanges],
[Extent1].[ShowOnHomePage] AS [ShowOnHomePage],
[Extent1].[HasDiscountsApplied] AS [HasDiscountsApplied],
[Extent1].[Published] AS [Published],
[Extent1].[Deleted] AS [Deleted],
[Extent1].[DisplayOrder] AS [DisplayOrder],
[Extent1].[CreatedOnUtc] AS [CreatedOnUtc],
[Extent1].[UpdatedOnUtc] AS [UpdatedOnUtc]
FROM [dbo].[Category] AS [Extent1]
WHERE ([Extent1].[Published] = 1) AND ([Extent1].[Deleted] <> cast(1 as bit)) AND ([Extent1].[ShowOnHomePage] = 1)
ORDER BY [Extent1].[DisplayOrder] ASC}
11 年 前
Thank you for fast answer.
I saw this query in profiler :
(@p__linq__0 datetime2(7),@p__linq__1 datetime2(7),@p__linq__2 datetime2(7),@p__linq__3 datetime2(7),@p__linq__4 int,@p__linq__5 int,@p__linq__6 int,@p__linq__7 int,@p__linq__8 int,@p__linq__9 int,@p__linq__10 bit,@p__linq__11 nvarchar(4000))SELECT
[GroupBy1].[A1] AS [C1]
    SUM([Filter1].[PriceExclTax]) AS [A1]
    FROM   (SELECT [Extent1].[PriceExclTax] AS [PriceExclTax], [Extent2].[BillingAddressId] AS [BillingAddressId], [Extent2].[OrderStatusId] AS [OrderStatusId], [Extent2].[ShippingStatusId] AS [ShippingStatusId], [Extent2].[PaymentStatusId] AS [PaymentStatusId], [Extent2].[CreatedOnUtc] AS [CreatedOnUtc1]
        FROM    [dbo].[OrderProductVariant] AS [Extent1]
        INNER JOIN [dbo].[Order] AS [Extent2] ON [Extent1].[OrderId] = [Extent2].[Id]
        INNER JOIN [dbo].[ProductVariant] AS [Extent3] ON [Extent1].[ProductVariantId] = [Extent3].[Id]
        INNER JOIN [dbo].[Product] AS [Extent4] ON [Extent3].[ProductId] = [Extent4].[Id]
        WHERE ([Extent2].[Deleted] <> cast(1 as bit)) AND ([Extent3].[Deleted] <> cast(1 as bit)) AND ([Extent4].[Deleted] <> cast(1 as bit)) ) AS [Filter1]
    INNER JOIN [dbo].[Address] AS [Extent5] ON [Filter1].[BillingAddressId] = [Extent5].[Id]
    WHERE ((@p__linq__0 IS NULL) OR (@p__linq__1 <= [Filter1].[CreatedOnUtc1])) AND ((@p__linq__2 IS NULL) OR (@p__linq__3 >= [Filter1].[CreatedOnUtc1])) AND (@p__linq__4 IS NULL OR @p__linq__5 = [Filter1].[OrderStatusId]) AND (@p__linq__6 IS NULL OR @p__linq__7 = [Filter1].[PaymentStatusId]) AND (@p__linq__8 IS NULL OR @p__linq__9 = [Filter1].[ShippingStatusId]) AND ((@p__linq__10 = 1) OR (( NOT (([Extent5].[Email] IS NULL) OR (( CAST(LEN([Extent5].[Email]) AS int)) = 0))) AND ([Extent5].[Email] LIKE @p__linq__11 ESCAPE N'~')))
)  AS [GroupBy1]
11 年 前
this looks like a query for orders (in the Admin or the customer Account)
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