How to Including and Excluding Tax in Order?

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14 年 前

I have import all my prices with Tax. So my product cost 119 euro and that is what the user see. Of that 119 euro 100 is the price and 19 euro is for the tax.

But when someone purchase this product he or she sees the following in the Order by step 6

Sub-Total:  €119.00 incl tax  
Shipping:  €.00  
Tax:  €19.00  
Total:  €119.00


1. Is it possible that it says by Sub-Total: €100.00 and NOT €119.00?  So that Sub-Total + Tax = €119.00 And how can I do that?

2. When shipping is free why dou you still see €.00 and nog instead of .00 Free or with €0.00 That it starts with zero. Is this possible to adjust?

3. What does value""Hide zero Tax"? I dont understand that concept.
Thank you for this beautiful product
14 年 前
change the product price to  100

the tax will display 19

total 119

tick checkbox: Hide zero Tax - probably if there is no tax to pay then you will not see anything about tax in the cart
14 年 前
That is not really solution for me because if I set 100 for product then the customer see also 100 and I want that they see the price that the customer is supposed to pay.

If I set it to 100 and under "Tax Settings" I set "Prices include tax: empty" then I still get by order Sub-Total 119 and by total also 119
14 年 前
1. Is it possible that it says by Sub-Total: €100.00 and NOT €119.00?  So that Sub-Total + Tax = €119.00 And how can I do that?
Go to admin area > Configuration > Tax > Tax Settings. Set "Tax display type" to "Excluding Tax".

2. When shipping is free why dou you still see €.00 and nog instead of .00 Free or with €0.00 That it starts with zero. Is this possible to adjust?
To set currency format go to admin area > Configuration > Location > Currencies. Go "Euro" details and set your custom formatting.

3. What does value""Hide zero Tax"? I dont understand that concept.
A value indicating whether to hide zero tax in order summary (tax = €0)
14 年 前
1. Is it possible that it says by Sub-Total: €100.00 and NOT €119.00?  So that Sub-Total + Tax = €119.00 And how can I do that?
Go to admin area > Configuration > Tax > Tax Settings. Set "Tax display type" to "Excluding Tax".

If I do that then the price is Excluding Tax for my customer. I want him that he see the price Including Tax, what he is supposed to pay.

Another question:

I have heard that importing CSV should be possible in the next release.

- Is this true?
- When can we expect next version of nopCommerce?
- Should be possible to not import all products from CSV but only product that you want self to be imported?
14 年 前
- No, importing CSV will not be available.
- The next version of nopCommerce will be released with 3 days.
14 年 前
Regarding the displaying of Price + Tax = 119, change the file Modules\OrderSummary.ascx.cs.
This control is used in the cart and during checkout.

Change or add something to the line where the shoppingCartSubTotalBase is fetched. This value will now include a price including tax since your settings require that. You can change that value to excluding tax. This is easy to do if your tax is same for all products (19%).

In nop1.30 this is line 93.
14 年 前
@linkXperts: Thank you. I will try it.

@Andrei: Are there any plans to support CSV in the future? And how long must we wait for CSV support? I want to use nopCommerce and will wait for some time but if there never be any CSV support than I must use something elke. So can you tell how long it will take (approximately) before CSV support is enabled?
14 年 前
We've not decided yet whether to support CSV
14 年 前

read this

maybe it is of help to you
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