Resolved - Deleted URLRecords now links don't work

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11 年 前
I deleted all records in the urlrecords table as I was getting errors with % signs. I hoped the absence of a slug record would mean the URL used would be the same as in 2.6

Now none of my links work (categories or products).

Is there a fix?
Is there a proc to re-populate these records?
Is there a way to revert to URLs with ID's


11 年 前
If I manually save a product it automatically re-populates the URLRecord "slug" record. Surely there is an easier way to do this than for me to go through 15,000 records manually saving each one.

Any help?

11 年 前
GetSeName method should NEVER return an empty string as it is always required, otherwise the link will not work. I have changed the method to include

if (result == "")
               result = ValidateSeName(entity, "", "", true);
                urlRecordService.SaveSlug(entity, result, 0);

This way, if there is no SeName the entityId will be used instead.

The full method is now

        public static string GetSeName<T>(this T entity, int languageId, bool returnDefaultValue = true,
            bool ensureTwoPublishedLanguages = true)
            where T : BaseEntity, ISlugSupported
            if (entity == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("entity");

            string result = string.Empty;
            string entityName = typeof(T).Name;

            var urlRecordService = EngineContext.Current.Resolve<IUrlRecordService>();
            if (languageId > 0)
                //ensure that we have at least two published languages
                bool loadLocalizedValue = true;
                if (ensureTwoPublishedLanguages)
                    var lService = EngineContext.Current.Resolve<ILanguageService>();
                    var totalPublishedLanguages = lService.GetAllLanguages(false).Count;
                    loadLocalizedValue = totalPublishedLanguages >= 2;
                //localized value
                if (loadLocalizedValue)
                    result = urlRecordService.FindSlug(entity.Id, entityName, languageId);
            //set default value if required
            if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(result) && returnDefaultValue)
                result = urlRecordService.FindSlug(entity.Id, entityName, 0);

            if (result == "")
               result = ValidateSeName(entity, "", "", true);
                urlRecordService.SaveSlug(entity, result, 0);
            result = HttpUtility.UrlEncode(result);
            return result;
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