Setting up Discounts in vs 2.60/2.65

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11 年 前
What is the best/easiet way to set up for QUANTITY DISCOUNTS in nopCommerce?? According to the manual you should be able to, if I'm understanding it correctly, set-up discounts for a category and it will apply to all the products within that category. Do you then also have to put in each individual Product Variant ID with the qty. range for the discount requirement in order for the discount to function? Our on-line catalog has almost 3,000 individual products and this would be VERY time consuming to have to do this, UNLESS you were able to put a range of Product Variant IDs with the qty range, for example 11728-11735:100-499, instead of 11728:100-499, 11729:100-499, etc. I also have 3 tiers of qty. discounts, 10%, 15% and 20%, so take all those product IDs by that many times, it would take an unbelieveable amount of time to enter manually!

Any thoughts on this would be greatly appreciated. On our current website we have qty. discounts applied at the product level as well, but they have a feature where it is applied globally within the category. If you have products that need to be excluded, you can then just go into those individual products and turn the discount off.
11 年 前
Use tier pricing (available on the product variant details page)
11 年 前
hschultz2 wrote:
What is the best/easiet way to set up for QUANTITY DISCOUNTS in nopCommerce?? According to the manual you should be able to, if I'm understanding it correctly, set-up discounts for a category and it will apply to all the products within that category. Do you then also have to put in each individual Product Variant ID with the qty. range for the discount requirement in order for the discount to function? Our on-line catalog has almost 3,000 individual products and this would be VERY time consuming to have to do this, UNLESS you were able to put a range of Product Variant IDs with the qty range, for example 11728-11735:100-499, instead of 11728:100-499, 11729:100-499, etc. I also have 3 tiers of qty. discounts, 10%, 15% and 20%, so take all those product IDs by that many times, it would take an unbelieveable amount of time to enter manually!

Any thoughts on this would be greatly appreciated. On our current website we have qty. discounts applied at the product level as well, but they have a feature where it is applied globally within the category. If you have products that need to be excluded, you can then just go into those individual products and turn the discount off.

What you want is not available out of the box.

Here are some ideas that I have been outlined recently about what you want:

Sometimes tiered prices are not set on a single product variant basis but on group basis, assigning discounts (percentage of amount wise) for volume purchases of a group of products of the same type (example, shoes, t-shirts, water paints, nails, screws, etc.).
For that 2 new discount properties are needed: Minimum number of products: (N1) and Maximum number of products: (N2)

Discount type: Tiered Discounts
Minimum number of products:
Maximum number of products:  
Assigned to product variants:
Use percentage:  
Discount percentage:  
Start date:  
End date:  
Open the calendar
Requires coupon code:  
Coupon code:  
Discount limitation:

At the present for discounts on product variants Nop has discounts on either assigned to product variants or to categories. It would be better to have them applied to:
- Product variants
- Categories
- Products: all variants of a product such as in cases of stationary or artists/handcrafts  or hardware shops where there are several products with dozens of variants (examples color paints, nails, screws, etc.).
The list of “Assigned to product variants” could be a sequence of elements: {element type (V:variant, P:product, C:category)}{element Id}. Example: V11, V13, P5, C2 (product variants 11 and 13 and all variants in product 5 and in category 2).

So the discount ($/%) will be applied if the number of items of all product variants within the list of “Assigned to product variants” is N1<= number_of_items <=N2.

As a matter of fact, this extended for of discount could also replace the present Nop discount types “Assigned to product variants” and “Assigned to categories”
11 年 前
How do you set a percentage off in the tier pricing?? It looks like you can only set a price point as an option. And it also appears that you can not apply a quantity range. For instance I would a quantity range 100-499 pcs for a 10% off discount.
11 年 前
hschultz2 wrote:
How do you set a percentage off in the tier pricing?? It looks like you can only set a price point as an option. And it also appears that you can not apply a quantity range. For instance I would a quantity range 100-499 pcs for a 10% off discount.

Check how discounts are applied to prices in Nop Admin Demo.
The discount is applied to the price (the best from Price, Special Price and/or tiered prices of each product variant) according to what is set in (using your example):
Use percentage:  true
Discount percentage: 10

You define the tier with these parameters:
Minimum number of products: 100
Maximum number of products: 499
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