when will nopcommerce integrate asp.net identity?

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10 年 前
when will nopcommerce integrate asp.net identity? thanks
10 年 前
when will nopcommerce integrate OWIN? not asp.net identity,I'm wrong
10 年 前
It's not on our roadmap now
10 年 前
thank you
9 年 前
Just started working on a website that is using asp.net identity, i installed nopcommerce at /Shop and also set web.config on main site to no allow child to use main web.config. I was able to install nopcommerce but after i try to login to nopcommerce i do not get the administration link on top of page, also when i try to access my account via the my account link i get an iis error. This is strange i have never seen this before on my server which has numerouse nopcomerce installes but only using the old asp.net user accounts. Just this one website is using asp.net identity. Please if you can share any ideas. Thank you

401 - Unauthorized: Access is denied due to invalid credentials.
You do not have permission to view this directory or page using the credentials that you supplied.
9 年 前
Got my issue resolved i made the below change to my Website Root web.config file to allow NoCommerce (/Shop) to no inherit such section from my root web.config.

<location path="." inheritInChildApplications="false">
      <remove name="FormsAuthentication" />

My changes are in BOLD. Thank you
9 年 前
At the moment are there any plans to support Asp.Net Identity?
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