Product reviews and Contact us : automated attack

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8 年 前

Two days ago my NopCommerce 3.20 site was attacked via automation and created 100's of product reviews advertising a site for clothing in Canada. The attack also sent me hundreds of emails notifying me of those product reviews, then also sent emails from the Contact US page as well.

I did some research here on the forums and enabled 'CaptCha' for both Contact US and the Product review pages, I also disabled Allow anonymous product reviews; those actions stopped the threat cold.

Even though I had my Product Reviews set to must be approved, I still have almost a 1000 that are in my database.

Can anyone tell me how to remove the unwanted product reviews?

I tried deleting 'Guests' under admin System->Maintenance (all the unwanted product reviews were left by 'Guest') for the specific date, but the reviews remain.

Thank you
8 年 前

You could try to log in your database and remove the product reviews with a SQL script. The reviews are in the table called "[dbo].[ProductReview]"

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