Homepage Images are repeatedly getting changed to Chinese Site

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8 年 前
Dear All,

We are experiencing a strange issue from sometime. The images on our home-page (including Logo) are getting changed images from a Chinese site. When I reset the cache, it goes away. However, within 10-15 minutes, the issue comes back again. We looked into various aspects of the code, but we haven't found any issue.

The Link to the our site in Production is:   www.BookMEDS.com.

We have written a JavaScript to suppress these images from rendering on our portal. However, if you run Developer tools (F12), you can see the malicious URLs on our Homepage.

I noticed that, few other users have also posted about this issue but so far I haven't found any real solution to this problem except for clearing the cache.

Any help in this regard is helpful.

8 年 前
It's a cache poisoning attack. Try setting up your host headers in IIS, more info here: https://www.nopcommerce.com/boards/t/26045/fake-url-injection-in-homepage-nop-300-site.aspx?p=4
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