Inventory by Weight

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8 年 前

We are nearly done building a site that sells food and are struggling with stock control.

We are trying to find a way to link stock quantities as we sell by weight i.e

Air Dried Ham

Available in


Is there a way we can link inventory levels so if we have 1 x kg available and they purchase 5 x 100g all corresponding inventory levels will drop i.e 0 x 1kg 1 x 500g 5 x 100g etc.

thanks for your help
8 年 前
[email protected] wrote:

We are nearly done building a site that sells food and are struggling with stock control.

We are trying to find a way to link stock quantities as we sell by weight i.e

Air Dried Ham

Available in


Is there a way we can link inventory levels so if we have 1 x kg available and they purchase 5 x 100g all corresponding inventory levels will drop i.e 0 x 1kg 1 x 500g 5 x 100g etc.

thanks for your help

Using product attribute combinations this should work but you'd need to configure your product attributes like:


Once you create those attributes, click the attribute combinations tab and set up the combinations for each of those possible sizes with the appropriate price overrides.

You'd just consider your starting inventory level/stock quantity, then as you sell the various increments of g's, they are reduced from that "Stock Quantity" value.

On some of your products, you might also consider specifying that the quantity field on the product page represents 1g or 1kg, and allow your customers to specify the quantity of G's or KG's they want...
8 年 前
embryo wrote:

You'd just consider your starting inventory level/stock quantity, then as you sell the various increments of g's, they are reduced from that "Stock Quantity" value.

That didn't make much sense..trying to say it more clearly here:

When you create the attribute combination, there is a space to input your initial stock quantity...think of this as how many total grams of the product that you actually have in stock...then when customers choose 50 grams or 5,000 grams (1000g x 5 quantity), it is accurately subtracted from that total stock quantity..
8 年 前
Also...for products that you do create product attribute combinations, on the Product Info tab of the Edit Product screen, ensure that you've also got "Manage Inventory Method" set to "Track inventory by product attributes"
8 年 前
Another option is to establish 1gr as the basic unit and use the Allowed Quantities feature in products and set it to 50, 100, 500, 1000, etc.
6 年 前
Using product attributes and combinations don't appear to work for weight attributes because it still would reduce selected quantity not actual weight. E.g. Product with attributes 100g 200g, customer selects 200g x 1, stock reduced by 1 and NOT by 200g. I also tries specifying Weight adjustment hoping that would work but it didn't.
Also, stock levels are per attribute, which also don't work for weight e.g. we have 5000g of product and sell units of 100g, 200g, 500g (which are attributes) each of these would have own stock level but they relate to the same proudct of total 5000g.
The other solution where predefined quantities specified, it only allows INTs there so if basic unit is 1kg we still can't have .1kg, .2kg.. or if basic unit is 1g it's just looks odd.
So, gotta get into source and see if I can come up with something here.
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