Checkout Attributes

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7 年 前
I cannot find the tokens to use to put Checkout Attributes into the vendors email notification.

If the customer had requested a delivery date, added notes or any other set up attribute. How do I pass these across in the vendor order notification email?
7 年 前
beechy wrote:
I cannot find the tokens to use to put Checkout Attributes into the vendors email notification.

If the customer had requested a delivery date, added notes or any other set up attribute. How do I pass these across in the vendor order notification email?

In default nop it is not supported for vendor ==> if you need it you have to customize ==>

Default Code like bellow ==>

if (vendorId == 0)
                //we render checkout attributes and totals only for store owners (hide for vendors)
                #region Checkout Attributes

                if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(order.CheckoutAttributeDescription))
                    sb.AppendLine("<tr><td style=\"text-align:right;\" colspan=\"1\">&nbsp;</td><td colspan=\"3\" style=\"text-align:right\">");


7 年 前
Hi Sohel,

Should I put your code inside Content Management -> Email Template?

6 年 前
sohel wrote:
In default nop it is not supported for vendor ==> if you need it you have to customize ==>

Default Code like bellow ==>

The code sohel is showing is located in the source code under \Libraries\Nop.Services\Messages\MessageTokenProvider.cs (in Nop 3.9 anyway)

Adding the code inside Content Management -> Email Template will not not do anything except make your emails look bad.
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