New Service

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6 年 前
I created new entity in the core, and created also map, service....I am following procedure explained here

I have also external plugin (SevenSpike) and updated Nop.Framework too (dependency)

How can I use the new service in ProductService ? Is it possible ?

6 年 前
ftaglien wrote:
I created new entity in the core, and created also map, service....I am following procedure explained here

I have also external plugin (SevenSpike) and updated Nop.Framework too (dependency)

How can I use the new service in ProductService ? Is it possible ?


Add your new service as a constructor parameter for the ProductService and register your service with Autofac.
6 年 前
Thanks seanrock,

I added in the ProductService constructor new service I created. What do you mean register with Autofac ?
I added it in the DependencyRegistrar in Nop.Framework, is it enough?

When I start application I receive error from SevenSpikes.Nop.Plugins.AnywhereSliders: is not able to find constructor for new service.

6 年 前
ftaglien wrote:
Thanks seanrock,

I added in the ProductService constructor new service I created. What do you mean register with Autofac ?
I added it in the DependencyRegistrar in Nop.Framework, is it enough?

When I start application I receive error from SevenSpikes.Nop.Plugins.AnywhereSliders: is not able to find constructor for new service.


Yes add to DependencyRegistrar (it uses Autofac ioc).

What dependencies does your new service have?
6 年 前
I have dependency on IRepository<MyEntity>
6 年 前
ftaglien wrote:
When I start application I receive error from SevenSpikes.Nop.Plugins.AnywhereSliders: is not able to find constructor for new service.


This error is because some class (dependency) cannot be created. Maybe there is a problem with MyEntity or its map?
6 年 前
Maybe..I ll check, but why if I use IRepository<MyEntity> instead of service in ProductService constructor works fine? should I receive same error?
6 年 前
ftaglien wrote:
Maybe..I ll check, but why if I use IRepository<MyEntity> instead of service in ProductService constructor works fine? should I receive same error?

If the problem is with MyEntity AND MyEntity is a dependency for both, then yes, it would be reasonable to think you would receive the same or similar error.
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