Email Order Complete %Order.Product(s)%

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13 年 前

I'm looking for the %Order.Product(s)%. I would like to know where is the code to generate the table.
Cause I have a probleme with the link of downloadable product.

13 年 前
Look at \Libraries\Nop.BusinessLogic\Messages\MessageService.cs file, ProductListToHtmlTable method
13 年 前

but i didn't find the repertory librarie...
13 年 前
a.m. wrote:
Look at \Libraries\Nop.BusinessLogic\Messages\MessageService.cs file, ProductListToHtmlTable method

As a.m. said, except it's not MessageService.cs, it is MessageManager.cs
go to ->   #region Products

6 年 前
In case anyone else finds this, the method is located in \Libraries\Nop.Services\Messages\MessageTokenProvider.cs (for Nop version 3.9)
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