Hosting Suggestions

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12 anos atrás
I making the assumption that this question has been asked before, but could not find anything when searching.

Just opened a reseller account with Arvixe and currently moving over my 27 domains, but gosh, it seems really slow, and these are only my HTML and Classic ASP sites, haven't even had a chance to install and use NopCommerce yet.

I get the distict impression that they just have to many websites and although support is fantastic, they sometimes can take a while to resolve issues related to error with thier controls panel.

I reluctant to move all sites if this is the standard speed...

What do you guy recommend?
12 anos atrás
If you are comfortable with IIS, a VPS is usually significantly better than shared hosting and gives you a lot more freedom.  I used to have one at for $25/month.

I think having 1GB or more of RAM would erase a lot of the performance problems people are having with their AppPools constantly resetting because they are on shared hosting.
12 anos atrás
Thanks for the advice Andy, will have a look.
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