Long load times - again...

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12 anos atrás
I would rather not create a new topic for this issue since there are almost 100's already. I am using nopCommerce out-of-the-box nosource 2.30

I have tried keepaliveforever.com, pingalive.com and recommended by setcronjob.com to use "http://yoursite.com/KeepAlive/Ping.ashx" to keep it loading fast. Still first time loading plus 30 seconds.

Any suggestions to improve? Does /KeepAlive/Ping.ashx excist? Will 2.40 shorten first time loading?
12 anos atrás
Actually http://www.yoursite.com/KeepAlive/Ping.ashx existed only in 1.X versions. In 2.X version point these services to the root URL: http://www.yoursite.com/
12 anos atrás
What is the Team's official statement regarding long initial load times?

Even when applying keep alive servicies, load times are unacceptable!

Do we have to live with theese load times even with new releasies?
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