Pluginmanager not running its initialize() method.

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11 anos atrás
My plugins stopped loading. I 've added a breakpoint in Visual studio in the pluginmanager on the first line of the Initialize methode and it never breaks.

Anyone who can provide any hints as to what to check for what may cause this?

The plugins are still in the plugin folder. So i don't think that's an issue.
11 anos atrás
put the break point in the plugins/controller/..controller.cs' constructor.

note: if you made any changes in the plugin you need to uninstall and reinstall again in the admin area.

if break point not work do the following step too.

1) close all the browsers.
2) stop all the development servers.
3) or restart the IIS.
11 anos atrás
Thanks for the response i had tried
1) close all the browsers.
2) stop all the development servers.
3) or restart the IIS.

In a desperate attempt, i've redownloaded everything from our svn server (to which i had just commited everything).
And it seems to run smooth agian. Not sure what could have caused this. The only changes to nopcommerce made where added attributes to the product object. And even those are added using partial classes of our own.
I hope i won't run into this problem anymore, but then i can try :
    put the break point in the plugins/controller/..controller.cs' constructor.

If the problem would persist
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