New more user friendly product/variants logic. Let's discuss

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10 anos atrás
SChalice wrote:
I'm looking for some kind of Documentation? Based on my experiments, this version fails to provide anything for me:

Color: Blue    Stock Quantity
Size: 7        1

Color: Purple    Stock Quantity
Size: 8  work own      2

I have tried the basic setup above and cannot get quantity to work. Besides the pull-down not updating, it will accept any value for quantity beyond Stock available. Without being able to adjust quantities for multi-variants, this is worthless. What am I doing wrong?

And if I were to add an additional Variant? forget about it...... I want multiple pictures for each variant not just one..... So I know this system won't work for me.....

I just have simple products for each possible variant and group them into categories. Its the only viable and technically feasible solution I see for my store:

I whole heartedly agree and it seems every time I mention this fundamental ecommerce need, it seems like I'm asking too much because there is little or no acknowledgement from core or plugin developers. We always hear "work item already exists. Please vote", we HAVE VOTED,  we HAVE COMPLAINED and because these critical ecommerce functions are constantly pushed aside, it looks like NopCommerce is falling far behind many other cart systems that now offer configurable variant logic. Sadly, I'm already testing three suitable replacement systems because I've been patient far too long and spent far too much money on a system that may never do what it's capable of.
10 anos atrás
I don't understand how to use the bundle feature with the following scenario.
I want 3 product pages:
- Product A, sold at 10€, with a size attribute to choose (S, M, L)
- Product B, sold at 20€, with a size attribute to choose (40,41,42)
- Bundle A+B, sold at 25€, with a size attribute to choose for product A and an other for product B
Thanks for your help.
9 anos atrás
jariwalakrunal wrote:
This sounds a good change, it will be easier to manage.

I wonder do you plan to add something to make product combinations generator for configurable products management easier?

For example, a t-shirt in 10 colors and 6 sizes would mean 60 simple product and 1 configurable product. Its difficult to create 60 simple product all with same contents. So we might need something like, create a configuration options first, and then create a product for all possible combinations.

I worked with one site for jewellery where one ring can have more than 1000 combinations.... something to manage all this that makes it easier is also needed.

Moreover, are all the simple product will be having same  or different product detail page URL? Or it will only available for as single configurable product?

And something to manage its inventory details using bulk edit or something similar?

I don't see a upgrade script yet? - just noticed you're working on it already.



I'm working for a jewellry site at the moment.
They too have a main product and if they order this it will then give them several options, grouped by the box,
Under each of these options, then can then select the size.

I,m finding it a bit difficult to understand, how to do it. we use automated import routine to import categories and products in database from the data they provide us.Is it possible to do in nopcommerce 2.6 version?

Thanks in advance !!
9 anos atrás
There are two separate eCommerce requirements here:

1.  Product database lists all variants (sizes, colours) of a product as a separate SKU.  Store design calls for all variant options to be available on a single product page, with drop down selection for size and/or colour.  As far as I can see, you must use a simple product, and have product attributes Associated to Product, then select the correct SKU for each size or colour.  Group products would not be helpful here at all.

2.  The commercial requirement to bundle products for purposes of offering a special price when all products are bought:

Eg buy the tablet case + the tablet together for a special price.  I can sort of do this using the discount functionality, by saying the discount is related to products, selecting the products, using a discount percentage.  I can also code these products as 'related products' so that they do at least appear on each other's product screen.

But I cannot highlight this to the customer in any way.  What I want is a message on the product page that says "Hey, if you buy this product and this other product, I'll give you a special price that is x% cheaper than buying them singly"  This is a potent tool for add-on sales.

The posts on this thread confuse me a bit between what I see as 'bundling' - a commercial carrot to offer the customer, and product variants - sizes or colours that I want to be selectable, rather than separate products.

Any ideas on highlighting bundling?  I can set up the discount, but there's not much point if the first thing the customer knows about it is when they get to the checkout.

9 anos atrás
NZKate wrote:
There are two separate eCommerce requirements here:

1.  Product database lists all variants (sizes, colours) of a product as a separate SKU.  Store design calls for all variant options to be available on a single product page, with drop down selection for size and/or colour.  As far as I can see, you must use a simple product, and have product attributes Associated to Product, then select the correct SKU for each size or colour.  Group products would not be helpful here at all.

2.  The commercial requirement to bundle products for purposes of offering a special price when all products are bought:

Eg buy the tablet case + the tablet together for a special price.  I can sort of do this using the discount functionality, by saying the discount is related to products, selecting the products, using a discount percentage.  I can also code these products as 'related products' so that they do at least appear on each other's product screen.

But I cannot highlight this to the customer in any way.  What I want is a message on the product page that says "Hey, if you buy this product and this other product, I'll give you a special price that is x% cheaper than buying them singly"  This is a potent tool for add-on sales.

The posts on this thread confuse me a bit between what I see as 'bundling' - a commercial carrot to offer the customer, and product variants - sizes or colours that I want to be selectable, rather than separate products.

Any ideas on highlighting bundling?  I can set up the discount, but there's not much point if the first thing the customer knows about it is when they get to the checkout.


For (1) do it as you say: you must use a simple product, and have product attributes Associated to Product, then select the correct SKU for each size or color
For (2) check this topic:
9 anos atrás
a.m. wrote:

4. "Grouped" product is a product which could have several "simple" products associated and displayed on one single product details page (previously it was "a product with several variants"). First a store owner will have to create several products with "simple" product type, then he'll create a "grouped" product and will assign these "simple" products to this "grouped" product. In this case we use properties such as price, inventory, etc only for "simple" associated products. For "grouped" products these properties are ignored

This is a nice one !

and i changed nop's database to Mysql,the StoredProcedures is a longtime work.

Can you guys write a Mysql StoredProcedures when add a new one?

this is the Mysql StoredProcedures for Nopcommerce 3.40

CREATE PROCEDURE `nop_splitstring_to_table`
    IN string LONGTEXT,
    IN delim CHAR(1)
    DROP TEMPORARY TABLE IF EXISTS nop_splitstring_to_table_TempTable;
    CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE nop_splitstring_to_table_TempTable
        `data` LONGTEXT
    set @start = 1;    
    set @theend = LOCATE(delim, string);

    WHILE @start < LENGTH(string) + 1 DO
        IF @theend = 0 then
            SET @theend = LENGTH(string) + 1;
        END IF;

        INSERT INTO nop_splitstring_to_table_TempTable (data)
        VALUES(SUBSTRING(string, @start, @theend - @start));
        SET @start = @theend + 1;
        SET @theend = LOCATE(delim, string, @start);
-- GO

CREATE PROCEDURE `nop_getnotnullnotempty`
    set res = p1;
    IF res IS NULL OR res = '' then
        set res = p2;
    END IF;
-- GO

CREATE PROCEDURE `nop_getprimarykey_indexname`
    IN table_name varchar(1000),
    OUT index_name varchar(1000)
    select CONSTRAINT_NAME into index_name from information_schema.table_constraints t
-- GO

CREATE PROCEDURE `ProductLoadAllPaged`(
  IN CategoryIds    LONGTEXT,  -- a list of category IDs (comma-separated list). e.g. 1,2,3
  IN ManufacturerId    int,
  in StoreId      int,
  in VendorId      int,
  in WarehouseId    int,
  in ParentGroupedProductId  int,
  in ProductTypeId    int, -- product type identifier, null - load all products
  in VisibleIndividuallyOnly bool,   -- 0 - load all products , 1 - "visible indivially" only
  IN ProductTagId    int,
  IN FeaturedProducts  bool,  -- 0 featured only , 1 not featured only, null - load all products
  IN PriceMin      decimal(18, 4),
  IN PriceMax      decimal(18, 4),
  IN Keywords      nvarchar(4000),
  IN SearchDescriptions bool,
  in SearchSku    bool, -- a value indicating whether to search by a specified "keyword" in product SKU
  in SearchProductTags  bool, -- a value indicating whether to search by a specified "keyword" in product tags
  IN UseFullTextSearch  bool,
  IN FullTextMode    int, -- 0 using CONTAINS with <prefix_term>, 5 - using CONTAINS and OR with <prefix_term>, 10 - using CONTAINS and AND with <prefix_term>
  IN FilteredSpecs    longtext,  -- filter by attributes (comma-separated list). e.g. 14,15,16
  IN LanguageId      int,
  IN OrderBy      int, -- 0 position, 5 - Name: A to Z, 6 - Name: Z to A, 10 - Price: Low to High, 11 - Price: High to Low, 15 - creation date
  in AllowedCustomerRoleIds  longtext,  -- a list of customer role IDs (comma-separated list) for which a product should be shown (if a subjet to ACL)
  IN PageIndex      int,
  IN PageSize      int,
  IN ShowHidden      bool,
  IN LoadFilterableSpecificationAttributeOptionIds bool, -- a value indicating whether we should load the specification attribute option identifiers applied to loaded products (all pages)
  OUT FilterableSpecificationAttributeOptionIds longtext, -- the specification attribute option identifiers applied to loaded products (all pages). returned as a comma separated list of identifiers
  OUT TotalRecords    int

if ManufacturerId is null then
        set ManufacturerId = 0;
    END IF;

  if StoreId is null then
        set StoreId = 0;
    END IF;

  if VendorId is null then
        set VendorId = 0;
    END IF;

  if WarehouseId  is null then
        set WarehouseId   = 0;
    END IF;

  if ParentGroupedProductId is null then
        set ParentGroupedProductId   = 0;
    END IF;

  if VisibleIndividuallyOnly is null then
        set VisibleIndividuallyOnly   = 0;
    END IF;
    if ProductTagId is null then
        set ProductTagId = 0;
    END IF;
    if SearchDescriptions is null then
        set SearchDescriptions = 0;
    END IF;

  if SearchSku is null then
        set SearchSku = 0;
    END IF;

  if SearchProductTags  is null then
        set SearchProductTags  = 0;
    END IF;
    if UseFullTextSearch is null then
        set UseFullTextSearch = 0;
    END IF;
    if FullTextMode is null then
        set FullTextMode = 0;
    END IF;
    if LanguageId is null then
        set LanguageId = 0;
    END IF;
    if OrderBy is null then
        set OrderBy = 0;
    END IF;
    if PageIndex is null then
        set PageIndex = 0;
    END IF;
    if PageSize is null then
        set PageSize = 2147483644;
    END IF;
    if ShowHidden is null then
        set ShowHidden = 0;
    END IF;
    if LoadFilterableSpecificationAttributeOptionIds is null then
        set LoadFilterableSpecificationAttributeOptionIds = 0;
    END IF;
  /* Products that filtered by keywords */
  drop temporary table if exists KeywordProducts_TempTable;
  CREATE temporary TABLE KeywordProducts_TempTable
    ProductId int NOT NULL
  -- filter by keywords
  SET Keywords = coalesce(Keywords, '');
  SET Keywords = rtrim(ltrim(Keywords));
  IF Keywords != '' then
    SET @SearchKeywords = 1;
    IF UseFullTextSearch = 1 then        
      -- full-text search
      IF FullTextMode = 0 then
        -- 0 - using CONTAINS with <prefix_term>
        SET Keywords = concat(' ', Keywords, '* ');
        -- 5 - using CONTAINS and OR with <prefix_term>
        -- 10 - using CONTAINS and AND with <prefix_term>

        -- remove wrong chars (' ")
        SET Keywords = REPLACE(Keywords, '''', '');
        SET Keywords = REPLACE(Keywords, '"', '');
        -- clean multiple spaces
        WHILE LOCATE('  ', Keywords) > 0 DO
          SET Keywords = REPLACE(Keywords, '  ', ' ');
        END WHILE;

        IF FullTextMode = 5 then -- 5 - using CONTAINS and OR with <prefix_term>
          SET @concat_term = '';        
        ELSEIF FullTextMode = 10 then -- 10 - using CONTAINS and AND with <prefix_term>
          SET @concat_term = '+';
        END IF;

        -- now let's build search string
        set @fulltext_keywords = N'';
        set @index = LOCATE(' ', Keywords);

        --  if index = 0, then only one field was passed
        IF @index = 0 then
          set @fulltext_keywords = CONCAT(' ', Keywords, '* ');
          -- SET  @first = 1;
          WHILE @index > 0 DO
            -- IF @first = 1 then
--               SET @fulltext_keywords = @concat_term; -- CONCAT(@fulltext_keywords, ' ', @concat_term, ' ');
--             -- ELSE
--               SET @first = 0;
--             END IF;

            SET @fulltext_keywords = CONCAT(@fulltext_keywords, ' ', @concat_term, SUBSTRING(Keywords, 1, @index - 1), '*');
            SET Keywords = SUBSTRING(Keywords, @index + 1, LENGTH(Keywords) - @index);
            SET @index = LOCATE(' ', Keywords);
          end while;
          --  add the last field
          IF LENGTH(@fulltext_keywords) > 0 THEN
            SET @fulltext_keywords = CONCAT(@fulltext_keywords, ' ', @concat_term, SUBSTRING(Keywords, 1, LENGTH(Keywords)), '*');
          END IF;
        END IF;
        SET Keywords = ltrim(rtrim(@fulltext_keywords));
      END IF;
      -- usual search by PATINDEX
      SET Keywords = concat('%', Keywords, '%');
    END IF;
    -- PRINT Keywords
    -- product name
    SET @sql = '
    INSERT INTO KeywordProducts_TempTable (`ProductId`)
    SELECT p.Id
    FROM Product p
    WHERE ';
    IF UseFullTextSearch = 1 THEN
      SET @sql = CONCAT(@sql, 'MATCH (p.`Name`) AGAINST (@TempKeywords IN BOOLEAN MODE) ');
      SET @sql = CONCAT(@sql, 'p.`Name` LIKE @TempKeywords ');
    END IF;

    -- product variant name
    -- SET @sql = CONCAT(@sql, '
    -- UNION
    -- SELECT pv.ProductId
    -- FROM ProductVariant pv
    -- WHERE ');
    -- IF UseFullTextSearch = 1 THEN
      -- SET @sql = CONCAT(@sql, 'MATCH (pv.`Name`) AGAINST (@TempKeywords IN BOOLEAN MODE) ');
    -- ELSE
      -- SET @sql = CONCAT(@sql, 'pv.`Name` LIKE @TempKeywords ');
    -- END IF;

    -- localized product name
    SET @sql = CONCAT(@sql, '
    SELECT lp.EntityId
    FROM LocalizedProperty lp
      lp.LocaleKeyGroup = N''Product''
      AND lp.LanguageId = ', COALESCE(LanguageId, 0), '
      AND lp.LocaleKey = N''Name''');
    IF UseFullTextSearch = 1 THEN
      SET @sql = CONCAT(@sql, ' AND MATCH (lp.`LocaleValue`) AGAINST (@TempKeywords IN BOOLEAN MODE) ');
      SET @sql = CONCAT(@sql, ' AND lp.`LocaleValue` LIKE @TempKeywords ');
    END IF;  

    -- product short description
    IF SearchDescriptions = 1 THEN
      SET @sql = CONCAT(@sql, '
      SELECT p.Id
      FROM Product p
      WHERE ');
      IF UseFullTextSearch = 1 THEN
        SET @sql = CONCAT(@sql, 'MATCH (p.`ShortDescription`) AGAINST (@TempKeywords IN BOOLEAN MODE) ');
        SET @sql = CONCAT(@sql, 'p.`ShortDescription` LIKE @TempKeywords ');
      END IF;

      -- product full description
      SET @sql = CONCAT(@sql, '
      SELECT p.Id
      FROM Product p
      WHERE ');
      IF UseFullTextSearch = 1 THEN
        SET @sql = CONCAT(@sql, 'MATCH (p.`FullDescription`) AGAINST (@TempKeywords IN BOOLEAN MODE) ');
        SET @sql = CONCAT(@sql, 'p.`FullDescription` LIKE @TempKeywords ');
      END IF;

      -- product variant description
      -- SET @sql = CONCAT(@sql, '
      -- UNION
      -- SELECT pv.ProductId
      -- FROM ProductVariant pv
      -- WHERE ');
      -- IF UseFullTextSearch = 1 THEN
        -- SET @sql = CONCAT(@sql, 'MATCH (pv.`Description`) AGAINST (@TempKeywords IN BOOLEAN MODE) ');
      -- ELSE
        -- SET @sql = CONCAT(@sql, 'pv.`Description` LIKE @TempKeywords ');
      -- END IF;

      -- localized product short description
      SET @sql = CONCAT(@sql, '
      SELECT lp.EntityId
      FROM LocalizedProperty lp
        lp.LocaleKeyGroup = N''Product''
        AND lp.LanguageId = ', COALESCE(LanguageId, 0), '
        AND lp.LocaleKey = N''ShortDescription''');
      IF UseFullTextSearch = 1 THEN
        SET @sql = CONCAT(@sql, ' AND MATCH (lp.`LocaleValue`) AGAINST (@TempKeywords IN BOOLEAN MODE) ');
        SET @sql = CONCAT(@sql, ' AND lp.`LocaleValue` LIKE @TempKeywords ');
      END IF;        

      -- localized product full description
      SET @sql = CONCAT(@sql, '
      SELECT lp.EntityId
      FROM LocalizedProperty lp
        lp.LocaleKeyGroup = N''Product''
        AND lp.LanguageId = ', COALESCE(LanguageId, 0), '
        AND lp.LocaleKey = N''FullDescription''');
      IF UseFullTextSearch = 1 THEN
        SET @sql = CONCAT(@sql, ' AND MATCH (lp.`LocaleValue`) AGAINST (@TempKeywords IN BOOLEAN MODE) ');
        SET @sql = CONCAT(@sql, ' AND lp.`LocaleValue` LIKE @TempKeywords ');
      END IF;
    END IF;

    -- SKU
    if SearchSku = 1 then
    SET @sql = CONCAT(@sql, '
    SELECT p.ProductId
    FROM Product p
    WHERE ');
    IF UseFullTextSearch = 1 THEN
      SET @sql = CONCAT(@sql, 'MATCH (p.`Sku`) AGAINST (@TempKeywords IN BOOLEAN MODE) ');
      SET @sql = CONCAT(@sql, 'p.`Sku` LIKE @TempKeywords ');
    END IF;
    end if;

  if SearchProductTags = 1 then

            -- product tag
      SET @sql = CONCAT(@sql,  'UNION
      SELECT pptm.Product_Id
      FROM Product_ProductTag_Mapping pptm INNER JOIN ProductTag pt ON pt.Id = pptm.ProductTag_Id
      WHERE ');
      if @UseFullTextSearch = 1 then
        SET @sql = CONCAT(@sql, 'MATCH (pt.`Name`) AGAINST (@TempKeywords IN BOOLEAN MODE) ');
        SET @sql = CONCAT(@sql, 'pt.`Name` LIKE @TempKeywords ');
      end if;

      -- localized product tag
            SET @sql = CONCAT(@sql,  '
      SELECT pptm.Product_Id
      FROM LocalizedProperty lp INNER JOIN Product_ProductTag_Mapping pptm ON lp.EntityId = pptm.ProductTag_Id
        lp.LocaleKeyGroup = N''ProductTag''
        AND lp.LanguageId = ', COALESCE(LanguageId, 0), '
        AND lp.LocaleKey = N''Name''');
      if @UseFullTextSearch = 1 then
        SET @sql = CONCAT(@sql, 'MATCH (lp.`LocaleValue`) AGAINST (@TempKeywords IN BOOLEAN MODE) ');
        SET @sql = CONCAT(@sql, 'lp.`LocaleValue` LIKE @TempKeywords ');
      end if;
    end if;
    -- select @sql;
    -- select Keywords;
    set @TempKeywords = Keywords;
     -- SET @sql = '
--          Select @TempKeywords;';
    -- PRINT (@sql)
    PREPARE stmt1 FROM @sql;
    EXECUTE stmt1; -- USING @TempKeywords;
    -- select * from KeywordProducts_TempTable;
    -- EXEC sp_executesql @sql, N'Keywords varchar(4000)', Keywords
    SET @SearchKeywords = 0;

  -- filter by category IDs
  SET CategoryIds = COALESCE(CategoryIds, '');
  Drop temporary table if exists FilteredCategoryIds_TempTable;
  CREATE temporary TABLE FilteredCategoryIds_TempTable
    CategoryId int not null
    call nop_splitstring_to_table(CategoryIds, ',');
  INSERT INTO FilteredCategoryIds_TempTable (CategoryId)
  SELECT (data + 0) FROM nop_splitstring_to_table_TempTable;
    SELECT COUNT(1) FROM FilteredCategoryIds_TempTable into @CategoryIdsCount;

  -- filter by attributes
  SET FilteredSpecs = COALESCE(FilteredSpecs, '');  
  Drop temporary table if exists FilteredSpecs_TempTable;
  CREATE temporary TABLE FilteredSpecs_TempTable
    SpecificationAttributeOptionId int not null
    call nop_splitstring_to_table(FilteredSpecs, ',');
  INSERT INTO FilteredSpecs_TempTable (SpecificationAttributeOptionId)
  SELECT (data + 0) FROM nop_splitstring_to_table_TempTable;  
    SELECT COUNT(1) FROM FilteredSpecs_TempTable into @SpecAttributesCount;

  -- filter by customer role IDs (access control list)
  SET AllowedCustomerRoleIds = COALESCE(AllowedCustomerRoleIds, '');  
  Drop temporary table if exists FilteredCustomerRoleIds_TempTable;
  CREATE temporary TABLE FilteredCustomerRoleIds_TempTable
    CustomerRoleId int not null
    call nop_splitstring_to_table(AllowedCustomerRoleIds, ',');
  INSERT INTO FilteredCustomerRoleIds_TempTable (CustomerRoleId)
  SELECT (data + 0) FROM nop_splitstring_to_table_TempTable;  

  -- paging
  SET @RowsToReturn = PageSize * (PageIndex + 1);
  SET @PageLowerBound = PageSize * PageIndex;
  SET @PageUpperBound = @PageLowerBound + PageSize + 1;
  Drop temporary table if exists DisplayOrder_TempTable;
  CREATE temporary TABLE DisplayOrder_TempTable
    ProductId int NOT NULL,
    PRIMARY KEY (`Id`)

  SET @sql = '
  INSERT INTO DisplayOrder_TempTable (`ProductId`)
    Product p';
  IF @CategoryIdsCount > 0 THEN
    SET @sql = CONCAT(@sql, '
    LEFT JOIN Product_Category_Mapping pcm
      ON p.Id = pcm.ProductId');
  IF ManufacturerId > 0 THEN
    SET @sql = CONCAT(@sql, '
    LEFT JOIN Product_Manufacturer_Mapping pmm
      ON p.Id = pmm.ProductId');
  IF COALESCE(ProductTagId, 0) != 0 THEN
    SET @sql = CONCAT(@sql, '
    LEFT JOIN Product_ProductTag_Mapping pptm
      ON p.Id = pptm.Product_Id');
  -- IF ShowHidden = 0
  -- OR PriceMin > 0
  -- OR PriceMax > 0
  -- OR OrderBy = 10 /* Price: Low to High */
  -- OR OrderBy = 11 /* Price: High to Low */ THEN
    -- SET @sql = CONCAT(@sql, '
    -- LEFT JOIN ProductVariant pv
      -- ON p.Id = pv.ProductId');
  -- END IF;
  -- searching by keywords
  IF @SearchKeywords = 1 THEN
    SET @sql = CONCAT(@sql, '
    JOIN KeywordProducts_TempTable kp
      ON  p.Id = kp.ProductId');
  SET @sql = CONCAT(@sql, '
    p.Deleted = 0');
  -- filter by category
  IF @CategoryIdsCount > 0 THEN
    SET @sql = CONCAT(@sql, '
    AND pcm.CategoryId IN (SELECT CategoryId FROM FilteredCategoryIds_TempTable)');
    IF FeaturedProducts IS NOT NULL THEN
      SET @sql = CONCAT(@sql, '
    AND pcm.IsFeaturedProduct = ', FeaturedProducts);
    END IF;
  -- filter by manufacturer
  IF ManufacturerId > 0 THEN
    SET @sql = CONCAT(@sql, '
    AND pmm.ManufacturerId = ', ManufacturerId);
    IF FeaturedProducts IS NOT NULL THEN
      SET @sql = CONCAT(@sql, '
    AND pmm.IsFeaturedProduct = ', FeaturedProducts);
    END IF;

  -- filter by vendor
  if VendorId > 0 then
    SET @sql = CONCAT(@sql, '
    AND p.VendorId = ', VendorId);
  end if;

  -- filter by warehouse
  if WarehouseId  > 0 then
    SET @sql = CONCAT(@sql, '
    AND p.WarehouseId = ', WarehouseId);
  end if;

  --  filter by parent grouped product identifer
  if ParentGroupedProductId > 0 then
    SET @sql = CONCAT(@sql, '
    AND p.ParentGroupedProductId = ', ParentGroupedProductId);
  end if;

  --  filter by product type
  if ProductTypeId is not null then
    SET @sql = CONCAT(@sql, '
    AND p.ProductTypeId = ', ProductTypeId);
  end if;

  --  filter by parent product identifer
  if VisibleIndividuallyOnly =1 then
    SET @sql = CONCAT(@sql, '
    AND p.VisibleIndividually = 1');
  end if;
  -- filter by product tag
  IF COALESCE(ProductTagId, 0) != 0 THEN
    SET @sql = CONCAT(@sql, '
    AND pptm.ProductTag_Id = ', ProductTagId);
  --  show hidden
  IF ShowHidden = 0 THEN
    SET @sql = CONCAT(@sql, '
    AND p.Published = 1
    AND p.Deleted = 0
    AND (utc_timestamp() BETWEEN COALESCE(p.AvailableStartDateTimeUtc, STR_TO_DATE(''(1-1-1900)'', ''(%e-%c-%Y)'')) and COALESCE(p.AvailableEndDateTimeUtc, STR_TO_DATE(''(1-1-2999)'', ''(%e-%c-%Y)'')))');
  -- min price
  IF PriceMin > 0 THEN
    SET @sql = CONCAT(@sql, '
    AND (
          -- special price (specified price and valid date range)
          (p.SpecialPrice IS NOT NULL AND (utc_timestamp() BETWEEN COALESCE(p.SpecialPriceStartDateTimeUtc, STR_TO_DATE(''(1-1-1900)'', ''(%e-%c-%Y)'')) AND COALESCE(p.SpecialPriceEndDateTimeUtc, STR_TO_DATE(''(1-1-2999)'', ''(%e-%c-%Y)''))))
          (p.SpecialPrice >= ', PriceMin, ')
          -- regular price (price isnt specified or date range isnt valid)
          (p.SpecialPrice IS NULL OR (utc_timestamp() NOT BETWEEN COALESCE(p.SpecialPriceStartDateTimeUtc, STR_TO_DATE(''(1-1-1900)'', ''(%e-%c-%Y)'')) AND COALESCE(p.SpecialPriceEndDateTimeUtc, STR_TO_DATE(''(1-1-2999)'', ''(%e-%c-%Y)''))))
          (p.Price >= ', PriceMin, ')
  -- max price
  IF PriceMax > 0 THEN
    SET @sql = CONCAT(@sql, '
    AND (
          -- special price (specified price and valid date range)
          (p.SpecialPrice IS NOT NULL AND (utc_timestamp() BETWEEN COALESCE(p.SpecialPriceStartDateTimeUtc, STR_TO_DATE(''(1-1-1900)'', ''(%e-%c-%Y)'')) AND COALESCE(p.SpecialPriceEndDateTimeUtc, STR_TO_DATE(''(1-1-2999)'', ''(%e-%c-%Y)''))))
          (p.SpecialPrice <= ', PriceMax, ')
          -- regular price (price isnt specified or date range isnt valid)
          (p.SpecialPrice IS NULL OR (utc_timestamp() NOT BETWEEN COALESCE(p.SpecialPriceStartDateTimeUtc, STR_TO_DATE(''(1-1-1900)'', ''(%e-%c-%Y)'')) AND COALESCE(p.SpecialPriceEndDateTimeUtc, STR_TO_DATE(''(1-1-2999)'', ''(%e-%c-%Y)''))))
          (p.Price <= ', PriceMax, ')

  --  show hidden and ACL
  if ShowHidden = 0 then

  SET @sql = CONCAT(@sql, '
    AND (p.SubjectToAcl = 0 OR EXISTS (
      SELECT 1 FROM FilteredCustomerRoleIds_TempTable `fcr`
        `fcr`.CustomerRoleId IN (
          SELECT `acl`.CustomerRoleId
          FROM `AclRecord` acl
          WHERE `acl`.EntityId = p.Id AND `acl`.EntityName = ''Product''

  end if;

  --  show hidden and filter by store
  if StoreId > 0 then

    SET @sql = CONCAT(@sql, '
    AND (p.LimitedToStores = 0 OR EXISTS (
      SELECT 1 FROM `StoreMapping` sm
      WHERE `sm`.EntityId = p.Id AND `sm`.EntityName = ''Product'' and `sm`.StoreId=',StoreId, '

  end if;
  -- filter by specs
  IF @SpecAttributesCount > 0 THEN
    SET @sql = CONCAT(@sql, '
      SELECT 1
        FilteredSpecs_TempTable `fs`
        `fs`.SpecificationAttributeOptionId NOT IN (
          SELECT psam.SpecificationAttributeOptionId
          FROM Product_SpecificationAttribute_Mapping psam
          WHERE psam.AllowFiltering = 1 AND psam.ProductId = p.Id
  -- sorting
  SET @sql_orderby = '';  
  IF OrderBy = 5 THEN /* Name: A to Z */
    SET @sql_orderby = ' p.`Name` ASC';
  ELSEIF OrderBy = 6 THEN /* Name: Z to A */
    SET @sql_orderby = ' p.`Name` DESC';
  ELSEIF OrderBy = 10 THEN /* Price: Low to High */
    SET @sql_orderby = ' p.`Price` ASC';
  ELSEIF OrderBy = 11 THEN /* Price: High to Low */
    SET @sql_orderby = ' p.`Price` DESC';
  ELSEIF OrderBy = 15 THEN /* creation date */
    SET @sql_orderby = ' p.`CreatedOnUtc` DESC';
  ELSE /* default sorting, 0 (position) */
    -- category position (display order)
    IF @CategoryIdsCount > 0 THEN
        SET @sql_orderby = ' pcm.DisplayOrder ASC';
    END IF;
    -- manufacturer position (display order)
    IF ManufacturerId > 0 THEN
      IF LENGTH(@sql_orderby) > 0 THEN
            SET @sql_orderby = CONCAT(@sql_orderby, ', ');
      END IF;
      SET @sql_orderby = CONCAT(@sql_orderby, ' pmm.DisplayOrder ASC');
    END IF;

    --  parent grouped product specified (sort associated products)
    if ParentGroupedProductId > 0 then

    if length(@sql_orderby) > 0 then

     SET @sql_orderby = CONCAT(@sql_orderby, ', ');

    end if;

    SET @sql_orderby = CONCAT(@sql_orderby, ' p.`DisplayOrder` ASC');

    end if;
    -- name
    IF LENGTH(@sql_orderby) > 0 THEN
        SET @sql_orderby = CONCAT(@sql_orderby, ', ');
    END IF;
    SET @sql_orderby = CONCAT(@sql_orderby, ' p.`Name` ASC');
  SET @sql = CONCAT(@sql, '
  ORDER BY', @sql_orderby);
    -- select @sql;
  -- PRINT (@sql)
    PREPARE stmt2 FROM @sql;
    EXECUTE stmt2;
  DROP Temporary TABLE FilteredCategoryIds_TempTable;
  DROP Temporary TABLE FilteredSpecs_TempTable;
  DROP Temporary TABLE FilteredCustomerRoleIds_TempTable;
  DROP Temporary TABLE KeywordProducts_TempTable;

    DROP Temporary TABLE if exists PageIndex_TempTable;
  CREATE Temporary TABLE PageIndex_TempTable
    ProductId int NOT NULL,
    PRIMARY KEY (`IndexId`)
  INSERT INTO PageIndex_TempTable (`ProductId`)
  SELECT ProductId
  FROM DisplayOrder_TempTable
  GROUP BY ProductId
  ORDER BY min(`Id`);

  -- total records
  SET TotalRecords = ROW_COUNT();
  DROP temporary TABLE DisplayOrder_TempTable;

  -- prepare filterable specification attribute option identifier (if requested)
  IF LoadFilterableSpecificationAttributeOptionIds = 1 THEN

    DROP Temporary TABLE if exists FilterableSpecs_TempTable;
    CREATE Temporary TABLE FilterableSpecs_TempTable
      SpecificationAttributeOptionId int NOT NULL
    INSERT INTO FilterableSpecs_TempTable (`SpecificationAttributeOptionId`)
    SELECT DISTINCT `psam`.SpecificationAttributeOptionId
    FROM `Product_SpecificationAttribute_Mapping` `psam`
    WHERE `psam`.`AllowFiltering` = 1
    AND `psam`.`ProductId` IN (SELECT `pi`.ProductId FROM PageIndex_TempTable `pi`);
    -- build comma separated list of filterable identifiers
    SELECT GROUP_CONCAT(COALESCE(concat(FilterableSpecificationAttributeOptionIds, ',') , ''), SpecificationAttributeOptionId) into FilterableSpecificationAttributeOptionIds
    FROM FilterableSpecs_TempTable;

    DROP Temporary TABLE FilterableSpecs_TempTable;

set @sql = concat('
    PageIndex_TempTable pi
    INNER JOIN Product p on p.Id = pi.ProductId
    pi.IndexId > ', @PageLowerBound, ' AND
    pi.IndexId < ', @PageUpperBound, '
  limit ', @RowsToReturn, ';');
    PREPARE stmt3 FROM @sql;
    EXECUTE stmt3;
  DROP Temporary TABLE PageIndex_TempTable;
-- GO

CREATE PROCEDURE `ProductTagCountLoadAll`(

in StoreId int



select pt.
9 anos atrás
eadameg wrote:
There are two separate eCommerce requirements here:

1.  Product database lists all variants (sizes, colours) of a product as a separate SKU.  Store design calls for all variant options to be available on a single product page, with drop down selection for size and/or colour.  As far as I can see, you must use a simple product, and have product attributes Associated to Product, then select the correct SKU for each size or colour.  Group products would not be helpful here at all.

2.  The commercial requirement to bundle products for purposes of offering a special price when all products are bought:

Eg buy the tablet case + the tablet together for a special price.  I can sort of do this using the discount functionality, by saying the discount is related to products, selecting the products, using a discount percentage.  I can also code these products as 'related products' so that they do at least appear on each other's product screen.

But I cannot highlight this to the customer in any way.  What I want is a message on the product page that says "Hey, if you buy this product and this other product, I'll give you a special price that is x% cheaper than buying them singly"  This is a potent tool for add-on sales.

The posts on this thread confuse me a bit between what I see as 'bundling' - a commercial carrot to offer the customer, and product variants - sizes or colours that I want to be selectable, rather than separate products.

Any ideas on highlighting bundling?  I can set up the discount, but there's not much point if the first thing the customer knows about it is when they get to the checkout.

For (1) do it as you say: you must use a simple product, and have product attributes Associated to Product, then select the correct SKU for each size or color
For (2) check this topic:

Thanks Eduardo, I checked out that other post, and was able to set it up on my site.  I made a special product that was the bundle (set up as you said), and then made that a related product for each product in the bundle so that it would come up.  It works, but the bundled product gets lost within any other related products that are set up for the item.  It's not exactly highlighted to the customer.  

Any suggestions?
9 anos atrás
NZKate wrote:
Thanks Eduardo, I checked out that other post, and was able to set it up on my site.  I made a special product that was the bundle (set up as you said), and then made that a related product for each product in the bundle so that it would come up.  It works, but the bundled product gets lost within any other related products that are set up for the item.  It's not exactly highlighted to the customer.  

Any suggestions?

sorry but I dont get what you mean. Could you please explain it in more detail?
9 anos atrás
I get the part where what used to be "variants" are now "simple products" that have been assigned to a parent "group product".  How do I configure this so that my customer can buy a quantity of EACH simple product?
9 anos atrás
EverClaire wrote:
I get the part where what used to be "variants" are now "simple products" that have been assigned to a parent "group product".  How do I configure this so that my customer can buy a quantity of EACH simple product?

Create a grouped product and associate each the simple product  as in Canon SRL camera demo
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