Bulk price Change By Manufactuer

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14 anos atrás
Is there a way to do bulk price changes.

Say manufactuer has a 5% incease across their entire product line.

Is there anywhere in admin to acheive this or has anyone implemented this.

Or any help on how this could be achieved.

Thank You.
14 anos atrás
I don't think there is a way to change all the price in an instance.

You gotta do it manually one by one or play with coding to create feature that changes the price in one go.
14 anos atrás
Thanks for that.

It will a be a huge job to change 300 - 400 items 3-5% when needed.

Does anyone have any thoughts on a line of code I could run on the database to acheive the changes on a per manufactuer bases?
14 anos atrás
You can change price easily directly from the database.

You can use SQL Statement like this :

UPDATE <Table Name>
       SET price =
                   WHEN (price > 0)
                                   THEN (price + (Price * 5/100))
                   ELSE price

(This was just an example, modify this according to your needs, see how manufacturers are connected with product and put that information in the condition area of UPDATE Statement and it should work)
14 anos atrás
Thanks Mike,

I'm sure that will be enough to get me out of trouble.

Would be great to see a bulk update feature in nop. It could be by manufactuer or catagory etc.
14 anos atrás
Another thought was to export all the products and update them in excel then reimport.

I'm just unsure if this overwrites the existing product or just updates the product. I think the import does need some more features anyway as there does not seem to be a field for catagories, manufatuers and numerous other things, otherwise I would have done most of my origional product list in excel.
14 anos atrás
Yes excel import is a good alternative

in order to update products from excel imports you have to make sure all your products have got SKU's defined

the best part of 1.5 version is when you want to update some information related to product just import the new excel file and it will update the information

BUT if you don't have SKU's defined for product new excel import will create duplicate products, so if you don't have SKU's defined it's better to delete products first and then import the new product excel file but yea then you have to manually do the category and manufacturer mapping.
14 anos atrás
Be careful of xls uploading; especially when you have products that have multiple SKUs.

I think the SQL script is the best way of doing that.
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