I know its simple. How do I change the url so it doesnt need the /nopcommerce?

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14 anos atrás
I just want it to go straight to moviemakingsupplies.com, but that dont work. It takes you to an error page. Currently you have to type in moviemakingsupplies.com/nopcommerce  Godaddy says its a setting in the nopcommerce software, but i cant figure it out for the life of me. Pleaaase help.... At this point I dont care how dumb I feel.
14 anos atrás
should not be an issue - your domain should be set to resolve directly to the folder where nopcommerce resides - and automatically serve up default.aspx when it is typed - you should not have to include a folder name - you need to check your domain name 1st
14 anos atrás

Just Move your all files to your root folder.

I think that will resolve your issue and you can access from your domain http://www.yourdomain.com

13 anos atrás
Root folder? who knew?! :) That did the trick.  Thanks four makun me smotter
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