Installation of ima9ines Plugins

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8 anos atrás

I have installed various plugins provided by nopcommerce and they are working fine. I copied them on my local machine & run them locally. Now I want to install a ima9ines plugin (PRODUCT SALE OFF LABEL) that is uploaded on nopcommerce site. The downloaded folder does not contain the same set of files as they were present in the previous plugin folders. I have no idea how to install them.. Can anyone please provide help.

I do not know much .net. So please help me with clear set of instructions.


8 anos atrás
I am not a develper and need to know
      HOW TO COMPILE IMA9INES plugins ?

  i have tried placing plugin into the PLUGIN folder of nopcommerce source, but nothing happens. it compiles but i dont see any plugin in configuration (after reloading plugin as well)

  Can someone please help and write a step by step method of HOW TO COMPILE IMS9ines plugins please.

8 anos atrás

don't forget that according to the specification described here, plugins from ima9ines require CORE plugin.
8 anos atrás

thanks for the answer.

yes, I have installed the core and it seems to be working fine (I see it in the local plugin area). However, when i try to use the same methodology with SALE-TAG plugin, my whole site shuts down and I have to remove it from plugin folder.

I am running version 3.6 version

8 anos atrás
What error messages do you see?
8 anos atrás
Hi Mariann,

I dont see any errors. just the site is down.

ok here is what I am doing.

1) on azure I click on WebMatrix
2) once it comes up with LIVE Files and Folders, I place the sales-tag (uncompressed) directory in Publishing folder. (it is the Source Code folder)

thats it !

but then when I go to my website, it is down with some web access error.

This is the exact procedure I followed for CORE PLUGIN and it works... I can see the plugin in the backend configurator

can you provide me EXACT steps to run sales-tag or ANY plugin from ima9ines please
8 anos atrás
Try to look at the log (admin area -> System -> Log) to see the error messages.
And try to contact with the plugin developer (ima9ines). I think he will happy to help you.
8 anos atrás
ok thnx...
8 anos atrás
Hi guys,

Thanks a lot for using our plugins and feedback!

We will take a look and write document about our plugins, with following topics:

- How to install a plugin
- How to run a plugin
- How to use a plugin

Best Regards,
Tuan Do (
8 anos atrás
I successfully installed the featured products plug-in. But it does not work. Please let me know how to use the plug-in.
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