The same bug with images stored in db in V1.7

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13 anos atrás
I have founded that the same bug in previous versions havent been fixed.

Even thow that in settings images.storeindb set to false, and even thow that images ARE appeared in the file system (what is OK for now) - the Nop_Picture table is still adding a BinaryData for the images, so if you REMOVE the row from a table, images WILL NOT be displayed on the site. (what is NOT OK... )

So the thought is that  images ARE stored both in DB and in file system, but they are NOT appearing from the file system but from DB.
13 anos atrás
If you set 'Media.Images.StoreInDB' to 'false', then BinaryData is *not* stored into Nop_Picture table
13 anos atrás
I have tested it for a few times - it Is stored in the table
13 anos atrás
I heve tested it with a pictures for Categories
13 anos atrás
Right now checked this issue with a Product pictures - the images ARE STORED IN THE BinaryData!!
13 anos atrás
1. Set 'Media.Images.StoreInDB' to 'false'
2. Upload a new picture.
3. Look at the latest record of Nop_Picture table. Binary data of this record will be empty, but the old (previously saved) picture binary data will be stored into database
13 anos atrás
Did you an update for a picture table when tested??

Andrei, I have checked this a thousand times - if it was in V 1.6 or in 1.7

the 'Media.Images.StoreInDB' set to false - it`s a first thing that I do couse I don`t whant to save images in DB
but  records are still added to the picture table.

And yes, I removed ALL the records first -
I am sure if you do the same thing you will find the problem.
13 anos atrás
Correct, records are added to the database (they should be added in any case). But huge BinaryData is not saved
13 anos atrás
nopCommerce team | a.m. wrote:
Correct, records are added to the database (they should be added in any case). But huge BinaryData is not saved

Andrei , i have few questions regarding this issue, if we set StoreImages = false so as we know images will not be stored in the database, and they will be saved in the images folder in nopCommerce project.

1st question) So let's say if anyone makes storedimages = false and  in future anyone updates from 1.7 to 1.8 and  and delete / replaces the old image folder with the new on that comes with every new version, so the images will be lost right ? in order to save images, one has to keep old images folder ?

2nd question) If stored images = false and anyone's database get's corrupted and before that he/she already took backup of database, now when he/she will restore database, the images will be missing right ? as stores image was set to false ?

3rd question ) Extension of 2nd question, if it was set to store images = true then a back up database restore can recover images also ?
13 anos atrás
abcd_12345 wrote:
Andrei , i have few questions regarding this issue

1. Right. You need to backup it
2. No, all images will be saved (why not? you have \images\ directory and restored database)
3. Yes, all images will be saved
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