"The file '/~x.ascx' does not exist." error

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13 anos atrás
Hi I've uploaded nopCommerce site to http://www.umuttaci.com this url for using it in a project. I also set it up at my local machine and it works with no problem. But in remote host when I click some hyperlinks(for example electronics category) it gives me the kind of error I mentioned above. Any help? Thanks in advance
13 anos atrás
It looks at your modified default templates paths (templates are used to render categories, manufacturers and products). 1. Go to admin area of your site, then Content Management > Templates > Product Templates.
2. Go to all existing product templates ('Variants in Grid' and 'Single Product Variant') and ensure that their 'Template path' is set to 'Templates\Products\VariantsInGrid.ascx' and 'Templates\Products\OneVariant.ascx' appropriately.

Repeat these steps for category and manufacturer templates. You can find valid template paths for them on our admin demo site
13 anos atrás
Thank you! It completely solved my problem. The problem is I thought I set up the web site properly but I think when I execute db scripts I got some error messages but I didn't care. in the templates you mentioned "\" were gone. Thanks again
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