Hierarchical topics

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12 лет назад
I need to be able to have a hierarchy of topics, but I cannot see any obvious way to do this. I saw some older posts related to this issue that mentioned it was not possible at that time. Is it possible to do this with the new versions of nopCommerce? If not, then how hard would it be to add this feature. Is there a workaround for this that I can use? This seems like an obvious thing to have.

12 лет назад
dcofer wrote:
I need to be able to have a hierarchy of topics, but I cannot see any obvious way to do this. I saw some older posts related to this issue that mentioned it was not possible at that time. Is it possible to do this with the new versions of nopCommerce? If not, then how hard would it be to add this feature. Is there a workaround for this that I can use? This seems like an obvious thing to have.


Do you want to add topics within topics ???
12 лет назад
No, I am not looking to use topics within topic pages. It is more about the navigation of the topics. I do not want a flat navigation. A lot of my site will be content, with just a few things to purchase. I currently have a site that has hierarchical content in html pages (Root\Help\NeuralNetworkEditor\NNPlugins\IGF.html, etc...), and I want to port that over. I am trying to decide the best way to do this right now. At the moment I am looking at 2 different approaches.

1. I create new views that correspond to each of the existing html pages within my current site. I would then have to figure out some way to get the sitemap of these files to show up on the nav bars so users can navigate the site and search engine SEO can find my pages. I would need to create a modified version of the categories control that would not only show product categories, but would also show my sitemap. I would also need to modify the sitemap generator to read in the xml and use that for the sitemap page.

2. Use the existing topic framework to generate my pages. They are purely content with no asp coding. However, within the site navigation and sitemap I need them to be laid out in the same hierarchy they currently have. The physical files do not necessarily have to be in the hierarchy of folders, but it would be nice. I do not see any way to do that currently. Also, I believe I would still have to modify something like the categories control to allow them to also navigate my topics. Another downside to this approach is that it is difficult to maintain the html within the topics. I pasted in nicely formatted html in the topic box, but when I tried to edit it all of my formatting was erased and it was one big string. This would make maintaining/debugging of the html code extremely difficult.

Any advice on the easiest way to do this within the nopCommerce framework would be much appreciated. I have a lot of traditional asp.net experience, but I am new to both nopCommerce and MVC.

12 лет назад
I believe that adding CMS functionality to nopCommerce has been a long standing feature request. Sad to see it's not in the roadmap.
12 лет назад
yiangos wrote:
I believe that adding CMS functionality to nopCommerce has been a long standing feature request. Sad to see it's not in the roadmap.

I think for CMS , Umbraco is the best open source solution out there , and if you are looking for a light version of ecommerce you can go for umbraco ecommerce plugins , but if you are looking for a massive e-commerce system , nopCommerce is one of the best solution .
12 лет назад
Yes. I ended up deciding that nopCommerce would simply not work for me because of this issue. I looked at several CMS systems including Umbraco. However, Umbraco did not work "Out of the box" for me. Even just playing with the version installed on my local machine would throw errors even after several attempts at installing. I ended up going with DotNetNuke and the smith-cart shopping cart system. NopCommerce looked like an incredible solution for me, but without some type of decent CMS it simply could not do what I wanted.

Thanks for your help.
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