How to set the currency for indian rupees

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12 лет назад
I have used Rs\. # ###,##0.00

This is working fine in chrome, firefox

But in IE 6,7,8 the first digit in the prize is getting cut. For eg: Rs 17.56 is displayed as Rs 7.56.

What are your thoughts guys?
12 лет назад
This is bad..I have not tested in other browsers :(..any comments..
12 лет назад
I have tested, it is being displayed correctly... Can you share your URL so we can have a look at it?
12 лет назад
12 лет назад
Why r u putting an extra # the format is Rs\. ###,###.## don't know about IE 6 or 7 but in IE 8 this format works.
12 лет назад
[email protected] wrote:

Hi, Nice template. I was wondering how you get new Rupee symbol on your site? Can you please provide us a hint here?

Thanks in advance
12 лет назад

It is just a javascript, which will convert "Rs." to the rupee symbol.
you just need to add  the code here
at the end of the public.js file in the scripts folder.
12 лет назад
[email protected] wrote:

It is just a javascript, which will convert "Rs." to the rupee symbol.
you just need to add  the code here
at the end of the public.js file in the scripts folder.

Thanks, I will try it out, and update you.

Thanks again.
12 лет назад
[email protected] wrote:

Your problem is being caused by some java script. Try to debug which one is causing issue, once you get which javascript is causing this, you can look into that behaviour to fix it.

12 лет назад
Why r u putting an extra # the format is Rs\. ###,###.## don't know about IE 6 or 7 but in IE 8 this format works.

After I tried yours, it is not even working correctly in chrome.
The html mark up came like this

<span class="productPrice"><span class="WebRupee"> Rs 1</span>7.56</span>
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