SVN Repository

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14 лет назад
I've made a lot of modifications to Nopcommerce 1.40, it's almost impossible to upgrade due to the modifications.
The only way of merging my code with the 1.50 release is using SVN. You guys were using SVN till December 2009.

Is there still a public SVN version available so I can update easily and keep it updated in this manner?
14 лет назад
Unfortunately there's no a public SVN now
14 лет назад
i am also facing the same issue as i made changes in 1.4 according to my requirements and not it's difficult to upgrade to 1.5 version

someone suggested me this, i haven't used it but you can see if it helps you
14 лет назад
I have "solved" this issue by maintaining my own SVN server (VisualSVN) and maintaining pristine copies of the official source as tags, then using those tags to merge with my own code.  At the very least you can quickly generate a change set and decide what needs to be done to bring your current build up to "official" spec.

It's not the most elegant solution, but I've had success with this method when dealing with a variety of products that do not have public SVN servers.  Of course there's also the benefit of having SVN capabilities to use arbitrarily as you see fit.  This has come in handy for pinpointing issues with client projects or for simple versioning of documentation/correspondence.
14 лет назад
Yeah I'm also trying to fix it with my own SVN server. Not as easy as I wished it would be.
It's going to cost me a few hours I think.
14 лет назад
Update. nopCommerce manages a repository on the TFS Server.
14 лет назад
This is going to be helpfull :)
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