Catagory Menu carriage return

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14 лет назад
Does anyone have any ideas on how to better comtrol or show the Catagory menu?

I have catagoriesup to 4 deep in some sections so my menu looks very full and long names just carry over to a new line.

I tried change the css to allow the site to be wider and at the same time allow more room in the catagory pane but that hasent really worked. I think I need to spend more time finding the right ares in css to change.

Any thoughts.
14 лет назад
I created some code that writes the categories to an xml file in the root directory when you click the save button on the main categories page in the administrative panel.

Then I load the xml file into a DataTable when the page loads and use it for a javascript drop down menu for faster navigation instead of having to click through the pages to get where you want to go.  However, I did leave the category menu untouched in case the javascript fails for a user.

I also made it so when you click the details for a product, you only see the categories that are relevant to that product.  For example, if you clicked on a VHS movie in the Comedy category it would look like this:


And that is all that you see in the Category menu and if you want to navigate to another category then you would use the drop down menu.
14 лет назад
Great idea, I will look into this.
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