AppDomain.CurrentDomain.GetAssemblies get lesser assembly when some constructors changed

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6 лет назад

I have added some configuration into nopconfig to configure some of the paths and use autofac to inject the configuration. I have managed to compiled the codes successfully but i try to run the site, a problem occurs. All of the plugin services are not registered. I have checked and AppDomain.CurrentDomain.GetAssemblies get lesser assemblies after i make the changes to the constructors. Any idea on this?
6 лет назад
You need to show us what you've done for us to offer any solid advice.

6 лет назад
Hi wooncherk,

I have managed to solve the issue. What im trying to do is basically configuring the path of app_data using nopconfig. the problem i have earlier was i have used engine context to access nopconfig in plugin manager and the plugins assemblies have yet to be added to appdomain assemblies therefore autofac register the services without plugins' services. im not sure when are the plugins assemblies added to appdomain assemblies though. so what i did was accessing nopconfig using configuration manager.
6 лет назад
Hi wooncherk,

I have another issue comes up. Now that i have managed to registered the plugins assemblies but im not sure why the views isnt being searched by the route provider. im having this error:

The view 'NivoSlider' or its master was not found or no view engine supports the searched locations. The following locations were searched:
6 лет назад
Can you confirm your view exists in the plugin folder? (In /Nop.Web/Plugins/YOUR_PLUGIN/Views/
6 лет назад
Ya. I have checked it exists in the folder. its the default nivo slider plugin. As u can see from the error, my other plugins is not being search and the nivo slider doesnt have routeprovider. Do you know how does plugin register its routes without using routeprovider?
6 лет назад
Hi wooncherk,

I have managed to find the issue but not able to solve it. the reason is cause i have changed the app_data folder to another location. I have manage to install and uninstall the plugins and updating InstalledPlugins.txt in my custom path. However, when i go to the public store, i need to remain the app_data/InstalledPlugins.txt inside the website folder, otherwise it will have the error above.

I have already search for the whole solution for app_data and cant seem to find why the public store is using app_data/InstalledPlugins.txt inside the website folder and not the one where i have changed. Any idea on this?
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