How to go back-stage management in theme's demo?

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6 лет назад
I do not know how to go into a theme´s  back-stage management in url:
6 лет назад
woshinidaye wrote:
I do not know how to go into a theme´s  back-stage management in url:


Not clear. Can you explain in detail what problem are you facing?

6 лет назад
Sorry,i will explain exactly this time.
I was previewed a theme in this website:
I want to view demo and go into back-stage management,but i do not know how to do it.
Can you help me ?
6 лет назад
If you are just wanting to see how the administrative area looks when you use a custom theme..I can tell you it is the same as the administrative area out-of-the-box. Only front-end modifications are included in custom themes.

If you want to see how the administrative area looks, you can go here:
..login as:
[email protected]

Or maybe you are asking how to adjust styles or positioning of elements in your website from within the administrative area (back-stage)??

Some themes include some basic functions in the admin area for adjusting the visual aspects of the theme, and others have tools to allow you to configure the colors, fonts, and other aspects of the theme. They are tools that you use while on the theme developer site. Once you choose your colors and fonts, you can save the new CSS file easily and copy it into your website.

Also, there is a new plugin which allows for easily editing your theme from within the administrative area. Not just the CSS files, but also the views. I recommend it to anyone that is not comfortable with using FTP and notepad. It's a real time-saver:
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