nopCOmmerce not running in chrome

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6 лет назад
Facing issue during running it in chrome. Please help me to resolve it.

Please check below mentioned error message:-

chrome script debugging in Visual Studio is enabled

Set breakpoints in JavaScript/TypeScript in Visual Studio
Automatically break on script errors
Opening developer tools in Chrome stops the script debugging session
Learn more about Chrome debugging in Visual Studio
Your application is starting...
6 лет назад
Please adjust your visual studio settings.  for further information look into this great article
6 лет назад
try to publish the website and host it in your IIS ( or min your project settings make the site runs on IIS server not the IIS express ) and see how it goes..
6 лет назад
Thank you for your reply.
It's working fine in IE but when I choose chrome from VS then it's showing this message. If I try to hit "http://localhost:15536" in new tab then it's showing default view.
But I want to understand the reason of this error message. If you can help me.
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