Plugins for Customer Role Process

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6 лет назад
Hello Folks,

I am creating plugins for customer role functionalities like Register, Login, Forgot Password, Social media login & registration and profile management. Consider name of the Plugin is CustomerRole.

Also i have my own Theme in Presentation/Nop.Web/Themes/MyTheme. Here i have multiple themes and they can be managed from the Admin portal.

So when my CustomerRole plugin is installed at that time required entity will be added and when plugin is uninstalled at that time added entity will be removed.

So here my question is that what is the best way to build this type of plugin ? Where to write my .cshtml pages (in Themes or in Plugin)?

Thanks in Advance!!
6 лет назад
Common practice is to follow this directory structure:
/plugins/yourplugin/ - dll(s), web.config if necessary, description text file, image for plugins list
/plugins/yourplugin/css/   - styles go here
/plugins/yourplugin/css/images/  - images specific to the theme go here
/plugins/yourplugin/views/  - .cshtml files go here in appropriately named subfolders
6 лет назад
Thanks embryo for your reply..

We are already follow this type of structure. But this will not work if i will change the theme from Admin portal.

Because here in plugin we have added .cshtml files for that controllers.

When plugin is installed then functionality will work as per my plugin and when plugin is uninstalled then functionality will work as per basic nopCommerce flow.

Eg. Like if plugin installed then Registration will include Email, Phone No, Password, Confirm Password and when plugin is not installed at that time Registration will include Gender, First Name, Last Name, DOB, Email etc.
6 лет назад
Maybe I just don't understand the problem.
I use other plugins which only function and are only visible only within the admin area, such as Dashboards by nop4you.

Their views all display in admin area only, but are located in the /plugins/misc.dashboard/views/ folder.
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