Google Chrome Crashing - Could Be A Big Issue?

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13 лет назад
We run a very busy online store, and recently noticed a BIG problem with Google Chrome and the checkout.  Everything is fine until the customer gets to the PayPal Direct Pay stage of inputting their credit card details, when they have finished and click the Next button.

It crashes Google Chrome, as in makes the browser close down with an error message saying the browser closed due to a problem.

I blamed this as a one off, but its happened to three people here in the office - All using different computers, and all happens in Google Chrome?
13 лет назад
Very strange. I've just tested it and it works fine.
13 лет назад
I have tested it and it works fine for me too, but there are the scenarios (I can assure you I wouldn't post this if I thought it was a one off, as I am starting to love NopCommerce!)

A couple of things you should know about the people this happens to

- They place numerous orders through the site for clients on the phone, so log in and out in the browser and register new accounts
- They always have a lot of tabs open

I even upgraded one computer to the very latest Chrome last week, as I assumed it would be down to Chrome (As it has its bugs/quirks which I have found using Umbraco).

But it still happens, not ALL the time but I'd say one in every 6 order does this - When it happens again I'll screenshot the message.  

As above, this has happened on 3 different computers (So obviously all different versions of Chrome) - The only thing I can think of, is maybe its something to do with them constantly logging in and out as different people with different things in there cart?
13 лет назад
works for me too .

i had an issue with the editor in ie9 beta though..
13 лет назад
I've experienced this bug as well as both a customer and developer. It would seem that it has to do with Chrome's Form Autofill feature. My experience hasn't always been verbatim as the following thread, but similar. In any case, I doubt it's a result of a problem with nopCommerce as I've experienced the same thing with PDG.

*Test with AutoFill turned off. Hope this helps.
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