Install Folders [newbie question}

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15 лет назад
I'm getting ready install on my workstation. I've always used the website structure, i.e. all the files that are in the NopCommerceWeb folder would be in the root. All the class code would go in the App_Code folder. The nopCommerce install instructions just direct me to unzip the folders into the website. Do I copy the NopCommerceWeb files into the root then add the rest of the folders to the App_Code folder?

15 лет назад
Forget about App_Code folder. Unzip the file you have downloaded and open NopCommerce.sln
15 лет назад
A bit like looking in a manual after an hour or so of not being able to figure something out and finding an answer on page 12. Thanks.
15 лет назад
I would like to host it on a remote server, what do I do then? I have already unzipped the files and I get two folders "Install" and "nopCommerce". Now, I can't upload those those folders alone on the website root!

I am assuming I just need to upload "NopCommerceWeb" folder contents to the root of the website, as this folder contains all the familiar files we would expect in the root folder. I have already created MSSQL 2005 database and have updated the web.config file.

I hope this is the right procedure. I am ftping all files now to the remote server. I hope it works out, otherwise, I will be back for help.
15 лет назад
You're absolutely right.
15 лет назад
Somehow, it did not work out for me. It is giving a connection string error. "Connection string not found...". I did not know what to do. I would really like to use this product. I have installed other programs earlier like DNN, YAF, Blogs etc. But I don't know what is causing the problem here.

I will try again.
15 лет назад
Look at nopCommerce installation section for more info
15 лет назад
There is a section <connectionStrings> in the web.config file (just making sure you made your changes on the correct lines).

In this section place a string like this:
<add name="NopSqlConnection" connectionString="server=%YourServer%;trusted_connection=false;database=nopCommerceDb;user id=%DATABASEUSER%;password=%YOURPASSWORD%;Encrypt=no;"/>

or, if you want to use integrated security:
<add name="NopSqlConnection" connectionString="server=%YourServer%;trusted_connection=true;database=nopCommerceDb;Encrypt=no;"/>

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