News Link Problem

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15 yıl önce
Hi All, I installed the last version (nopCommerce v1.03 released) and it's great but when I click on news title or details i got this The resource cannot be found, I entered a new news and i got the same result. please advice
15 yıl önce
I guess that you've downloaded v1.02 (not v1.03). This bug was in v1.02

Check URL rewrite settings into your web.config file. In v1.03 it should looks like

<add name="NewsDetailsRewrite" virtualUrl="^~/News/([0-9]*)-([\w-]*)\.aspx(?:\?(.*))?"
           ignoreCase="true" />

<add name="BlogDetailsRewrite" virtualUrl="^~/Blog/([0-9]*)-([\w-]*)\.aspx(?:\?(.*))?"
           ignoreCase="true" />
15 yıl önce
Thank you, it's working.
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