Products in alphabetical order.

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14 yıl önce
Anyone know how to sort the products in alphabetical order, without having to change the Display order of the products.
14 yıl önce
You will have to edit the stored procedure for loading products like this (the change is in bold and used to be ORDER BY do.DisplayOrder):

CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[Nop_ProductLoadAllPaged]
  @CategoryID      int = 0,
  @ManufacturerID    int = 0,
  @FeaturedProducts  bit = null,  --0 featured only , 1 not featured only, null - load all products
  @PriceMin      money = null,
  @PriceMax      money = null,
  @Keywords      nvarchar(MAX),  
  @SearchDescriptions bit = 0,
  @ShowHidden      bit = 0,
  @PageIndex      int = 0,
  @PageSize      int = 2147483644,
  @FilteredSpecs    nvarchar(300) = null,  --filter by attributes (comma-separated list). e.g. 14,15,16
  @TotalRecords    int = null OUTPUT
  SET @Keywords = isnull(@Keywords, '')
  SET @Keywords = '%' + rtrim(ltrim(@Keywords)) + '%'

  SET @PriceMin = isnull(@PriceMin, 0)
  SET @PriceMax = isnull(@PriceMax, 2147483644)

  --display order
  CREATE TABLE #DisplayOrder
    ProductID int not null PRIMARY KEY,
    DisplayOrder int not null

  IF @CategoryID IS NOT NULL AND @CategoryID > 0
      INSERT #DisplayOrder
      SELECT pcm.ProductID, pcm.DisplayOrder
      FROM [Nop_Product_Category_Mapping] pcm WHERE pcm.CategoryID = @CategoryID
    ELSE IF @ManufacturerID IS NOT NULL AND @ManufacturerID > 0
      INSERT #DisplayOrder
      SELECT pmm.ProductID, pmm.Displayorder
      FROM [Nop_Product_Manufacturer_Mapping] pmm WHERE pmm.ManufacturerID = @ManufacturerID
      INSERT #DisplayOrder
      SELECT p.ProductID, 1
      FROM [Nop_Product] p
      ORDER BY p.[Name]
  --filter by attributes
  SET @FilteredSpecs = isnull(@FilteredSpecs, '')
  CREATE TABLE #FilteredSpecs
    SpecificationAttributeOptionID int not null
  INSERT INTO #FilteredSpecs (SpecificationAttributeOptionID)
  SELECT CAST(data as int) FROM dbo.[NOP_splitstring_to_table](@FilteredSpecs, ',');
  DECLARE @SpecAttributesCount int  
  SELECT @SpecAttributesCount = COUNT(1) FROM #FilteredSpecs

  DECLARE @PageLowerBound int
  DECLARE @PageUpperBound int
  DECLARE @RowsToReturn int
  SET @RowsToReturn = @PageSize * (@PageIndex + 1)  
  SET @PageLowerBound = @PageSize * @PageIndex
  SET @PageUpperBound = @PageLowerBound + @PageSize + 1
    IndexID int IDENTITY (1, 1) NOT NULL,
    ProductID int NOT NULL,
    DisplayOrder int NOT NULL,
  INSERT INTO #PageIndex (ProductID, DisplayOrder)
  SELECT DISTINCT p.ProductID, do.DisplayOrder
  FROM Nop_Product p with (NOLOCK)
  LEFT OUTER JOIN Nop_Product_Category_Mapping pcm with (NOLOCK) ON p.ProductID=pcm.ProductID
  LEFT OUTER JOIN Nop_Product_Manufacturer_Mapping pmm with (NOLOCK) ON p.ProductID=pmm.ProductID
  LEFT OUTER JOIN Nop_ProductVariant pv with (NOLOCK) ON p.ProductID = pv.ProductID
  JOIN #DisplayOrder do on p.ProductID = do.ProductID
        @ShowHidden = 1 OR p.Published = 1
        @ShowHidden = 1 OR pv.Published = 1
    AND (
        @CategoryID IS NULL OR @CategoryID=0
        OR (pcm.CategoryID=@CategoryID AND (@FeaturedProducts IS NULL OR pcm.IsFeaturedProduct=@FeaturedProducts))
    AND (
        @ManufacturerID IS NULL OR @ManufacturerID=0
        OR (pmm.ManufacturerID=@ManufacturerID AND (@FeaturedProducts IS NULL OR pmm.IsFeaturedProduct=@FeaturedProducts))
    AND (
        pv.Price BETWEEN @PriceMin AND @PriceMax
    AND  (
        patindex(@Keywords, isnull(, '')) > 0
        or patindex(@Keywords, isnull(, '')) > 0
        or patindex(@Keywords, isnull(pv.sku , '')) > 0
        or (@SearchDescriptions = 1 and patindex(@Keywords, isnull(p.ShortDescription, '')) > 0)
        or (@SearchDescriptions = 1 and patindex(@Keywords, isnull(p.FullDescription, '')) > 0)
        or (@SearchDescriptions = 1 and patindex(@Keywords, isnull(pv.Description, '')) > 0)
        @ShowHidden = 1
        (getutcdate() between isnull(pv.AvailableStartDateTime, '1/1/1900') and isnull(pv.AvailableEndDateTime, '1/1/2999'))
        --filter by specs
        @SpecAttributesCount = 0
          NOT EXISTS(
            SELECT 1
            FROM #FilteredSpecs [fs]
            WHERE [fs].SpecificationAttributeOptionID NOT IN (
              SELECT psam.SpecificationAttributeOptionID
              FROM dbo.Nop_Product_SpecificationAttribute_Mapping psam
              WHERE psam.AllowFiltering = 1 AND psam.ProductID = p.ProductID
  ORDER BY p.Name

  --total records
  SET @TotalRecords = @@rowcount  
  SET ROWCOUNT @RowsToReturn
    #PageIndex [pi]
    INNER JOIN Nop_Product p on p.ProductID = [pi].ProductID
    [pi].IndexID > @PageLowerBound AND
    [pi].IndexID < @PageUpperBound

  DROP TABLE #DisplayOrder
  DROP TABLE #FilteredSpecs
  DROP TABLE #PageIndex
14 yıl önce
THanks, but I cant make this work, I get server error when changing this, Im running Nop 1.3, so there is a little bit less code in that stored procedure.

Are you shoure it works, have you tried this?
14 yıl önce
Thanks for pointing me in the right direction, but unfortunately that did not work for me, but I found this post that worked:
14 yıl önce
So it worked for you?  I did not test what I posted earlier...I should have but through my previous knowledge of SQL, I assumed it would work.  Teaches me for assuming.  I will test before I post next time.  I appreciate your follow up with what you found out.  I will be able to add this to my own memory for future use.  Thank you for you follow through.

So you have to do this right?

ORDER BY p.NAME, do.DisplayOrder
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