Still no help on Payment Error: "Specified key is a known weak key for 'TripleDES' and cannot be us

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14 yıl önce
Please help!
I am getting desperate and very frustrated - my website cannot accept credit cards and I am at my wit's end here.

I am not sure whether any nopPeople still peruse these Forum topics, and if they do, please note that
I've heard but from a single person on the subject topic:,

and have not been able to get any help or advice on the matter.  My many thanks to Mike for his patience and help, but the problem remains open: I cannot accept credit cards apparently because of some inherent error in the code or locale nopCommerce chooses for storing secure data.

Is there any product support out there, nop?  
Thanks in advance

- ilya
14 yıl önce
hi, I've tried to read over your other topic.

be assured, nop handles credit card payment very well and very easily. And it offers a great many payment methods as you will have seen

you seem to have a little confusion between (in the admin)

menu --> configuration --> payment -->credit cards  
menu --> configuration --> payment -->payment methods

some of the payment methods (such as manual processing) involve the customer entering their credit card details actually on your website - when you want them to be able to do this, you use
menu --> configuration --> payment -->credit cards  to set up/configure what credit cards they can use to make payments

BUT, from reading your earlier post, it seems to me you do not want to offer this type of option - rather, you want the customer to come to the payment page of the cart and only be able to select paypal express - this will take them to the paypal website where they will enter their credit card data directly into paypals secure servers.

so, to do that, go to
menu --> configuration --> payment -->payment methods

edit all the 'active' (blue tick) payment methods which you do not want to offer - un-tick their 'active' checkbox and save

that should leave you with just paypal express with a big blue tick beside it

click edit for paypal express - when it opens, make sure the 'active' checkbox is ticked - (remember to save)

on the page, there are two tabs ' system info' and 'configuration'   -->  click 'configuration'

(there are instructions here on how to set up API)

you have several options to set :
     Transaction mode:
     Authorize and Capture

choose one

Use Sandbox:  choose if you want to test using the sandbox - you MUST have a paypal sandbox account set up if you tick this box  

the following are  settings which relate to paypal
API Account Name:  
API Account Password:    

follow the instructions on the page on how to set up API

remember, if you have ticked 'use sandbox' then none of the API information from your genuine paypal account is relevant - using sandbox requires setting up an unique paypal 'sandbox' (test) account with test API
14 yıl önce
haydie, thanks for coming to my aid. Hopefully we will figure this out.

haydie wrote:
hi, I've tried to read over your other topic.

be assured, nop handles credit card payment very well and very easily. And it offers a great many payment methods as you will have seen

you seem to have a little confusion between (in the admin)

menu --> configuration --> payment -->credit cards  
menu --> configuration --> payment -->payment methods

some of the payment methods (such as manual processing) involve the customer entering their credit card details actually on your website - when you want them to be able to do this, you use
menu --> configuration --> payment -->credit cards  to set up/configure what credit cards they can use to make payments

I am not sure that I am confused about the two options. I would not rather argue over this fine point, but as it might not be moot and clear something up about my misunderstanding, I will address it:

I did take issue with the two being somewhat misleading, at least to me, a novice. The choice offered by the nop payment process between "credit card" vs" payment method" appears to be a misnomer.  There are credit card payment options under "payment methods" as well.  To illustrate what I'm trying to get across, let me use a far-fetched analogy.  Let's say you were picking T-shirts to purchase and the options before you were:  "choose colors" vs "green". The category "colors" already includes "green", so the choice offered is a poor one.  It's either choose colors vs choose sizes or choose green vs choose /name color/.  Otherwise, it's like comparing apples and fruit.

The actual nop "payment" choices, at least on the back end (for I do not yet know how they'd appear on the front end during the checkout), imho ought to read "manual cc ACH/processing" vs "automated payment methods". Or "store owner processing" vs "third party processing". That's all I was trying to say there.    

haydie wrote:

BUT, from reading your earlier post, it seems to me you do not want to offer this type of option - rather, you want the customer to come to the payment page of the cart and only be able to select paypal express - this will take them to the paypal website where they will enter their credit card data directly into paypals secure servers.

Well, not to sound retentive, actually that was Mike's choice, not mine. I also included check/money order payment, paypal express and paypal direct.  At least those three.  But gist of your point is correct. I want to clear payments though PayPal.

haydie wrote:

so, to do that, go to
menu --> configuration --> payment -->payment methods

edit all the 'active' (blue tick) payment methods which you do not want to offer - un-tick their 'active' checkbox and save

that should leave you with just paypal express with a big blue tick beside it

click edit for paypal express - when it opens, make sure the 'active' checkbox is ticked - (remember to save)

on the page, there are two tabs ' system info' and 'configuration'   -->  click 'configuration'

(there are instructions here on how to set up API)

you have several options to set :
     Transaction mode:
     Authorize and Capture

choose one

Use Sandbox:  choose if you want to test using the sandbox - you MUST have a paypal sandbox account set up if you tick this box  

the following are  settings which relate to paypal
API Account Name:  
API Account Password:    

follow the instructions on the page on how to set up API

remember, if you have ticked 'use sandbox' then none of the API information from your genuine paypal account is relevant - using sandbox requires setting up an unique paypal 'sandbox' (test) account with test API


Not to sound defensive (and I am trying my hardest to stay positive here), I am well beyond this level. I had done all that and tried to use ACTUAL credit card to make an ACTUAL payment. And that's when I get the weak key error.  I realize, yes, I do, that I ought to use sandbox.  I will get to that next. But not using the sandbox DOES NOT explain away the error I am getting, right?  Nobody has yet addressed HOW TO FIX that specific problem.  That's what I'm after. Mike requested the error message in the log, I posted it; that was two days ago.  I realize that Mike (and anyone else here, save, perhaps for the nop staff) is doing me (and others like me a HUGE FAVOR) by addressing my problems, but at the root of it, the payment problem HAS NOT BEEN ADDRESSED.

Thus far we have gone over the minutia in great detail, which I understand is necessary, to try to diagnose the problem. During this process it's been implicitly (and more overtly) suggested that I'm a /insert a euphemism here/ who cannot follow simple directions and click boxes.  I am fine with that.  I am OK with the advice-givers assuming zero-level understanding by me.  But let's move beyond that. Hopefully by this point I have demonstrated my ability to check boxes and follow instructions.  The point is, when I do follow the instructions, errors happen. I posted the error.  Apparently I was the second or third person to post this error. Before I posted, I read the earlier thread, but there was no solution offered there; at least not one that I understood.  

If you go to my website ( and click the buy button, you will see that I have pretty much implemented all of the back end stuff for the store. You will also hopefully able to assess my level of ignorance/understanding.

As to the sandbox. Now I am back in the sandbox. I am trying to use it, but when I try to pay by PayPal, I get

[font size=+2]"We're sorry, an internal error occurred that prevents the request to complete.[/font]

Our supporting staff has been notified with this error and will address this issue shortly. We profusely apologize for the inconvenience and for any damage this may cause. You might want to try the same action at later time. " error message

Incidentally, when I try to enable Google checkout same thing happens. I also used to get the same message while filling out product categories trying to display items in grid. Then, without altering anything, just re-entering the product/category specs, the error goes away.  It seems buggy.  

I want to make sure that I've explained the issue in sufficient detail, and that somebody can help me get over this bump. And I am very grateful to you and Mike for taking the time to help out.  Thanks again.
- ilya
14 yıl önce
ilya wrote:
The choice offered by the nop payment process between "credit card" vs" payment method" appears to be a misnomer

very briefly, to be clear, it is not a choice between "credit card" vs" payment method"  - certain payment methods will require you to set up some options in the  "credit card" configuration to work alongside your selected payment method  eg for the 'manual processing'  payment method (among several others) you must specify which card types you accept - you specify them in configuration-->payment-->credit cards

many of the other payment  methods ( eg paypal express ) collect the card information in a different way ie on their respective websites so the settings in "credit cards" will be of no relevance to that method

'We're sorry, an internal error occurred that prevents the request to complete.'
is the custom error page generated by your site (error.htm)  - you can read the actual message in admin  -->system-->log

have you set up paypal express and clicked the big yellow paypal express button on the checkout page - you should not get the tripleDES error when you do - you should be redirected straight to the paypal website - you will not be prompted to enter any credit card details on YOUR website

RE The issue of TripleDES
go to admin   configuration-->global settings --> click the security tab - the default code there will probably be 1234567890123451   alter this to something more cryptic (then click 'change' ) i do not know what characters are allowed, if its only numbers or if it can be a mixture letters and numbers and i do not know haw many characters can be used - but in the mean time, try using a random selection of 16 numbers
14 yıl önce
Thanks, haydie.
I've been emailing back and forth with PayPal merchant support, and he too suggested changing the encryption key in the Config>Global Settings>Security>Encryption Key to something and saving it.   I just saw your post now, having implemented exactly that.   It worked!  Thanks for your help.

Suggestion to the nopCommerce folks: this should be in a FAQ. There should be a FAQ, btw. Along with the instructions for configuring GoDaddy email (Global Settings > Mail Settings).  Both the encryption key and the email need to be configured for the shopping cart to run smoothly, and that much is not at all obvious.  Instructions for email and other things already exist in the forum here and there, but there needs to be a FAQ.  

These are not impossible problems and they were INSURMOUNTABLE in the previous thread where abcd_Mike tried to help me.

Thanks again,
- Ilya
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