Add to cart button is not working even if the required attribute chosen

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14 yıl önce
I searched the forums but I couldnt find anyone with the same problem. so can you help me?

I have a clothes shop so user has to choose size for the clothes,
right now I cant add anything to cart even if I choose the size cause its still asking for me to choose it.

why is that happening?

thank you for your help

14 yıl önce
Can you supply a screenshot of whats happening?  You saying there an error saying you must supply a value?
14 yıl önce
yes, I cant add anything to cart right now.

this is whats happening, it says please select size when I click add to cart but I already did before clicking add to cart button.

and my site is

thank you
14 yıl önce
The problem with the attribute is the : (colon character) in the product attribute name. In administration, go to Catalog > Attributes > Product Attributes and change the attribute name for the attribute "Beden/Size:" to "Beden/Size" (remove the : character).

14 yıl önce
thank u very much,
it worked
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