Catalog Results View

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6 yıl önce
I have NOP website with structure - Categories - subcategories - products, however i need to  return products with a certain type (grouped products) but it is returning all products at the moment.

In views I can filter it like product.ProductType == Nop.Core.Domain.Catalog.ProductType.GroupedProduct but the result set is a mix of all products with max 20 returning.

Can i change the results to group by ProductType?
6 yıl önce
You uncheck "Visible Individually" for the child products so that they are not displayed.

6 yıl önce
Thanks Lam,
       That's a good suggestion and probably the one i will go with for now because of time constraints.
I tried setting the display order to 0 for the products with sub products but it did not seem to have an effect.

Is there no way to pull out products based on ProductTypeID or DisplayOrder ?

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