SEO Errors and Tweaks

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6 yıl önce

My SEO software is helping me chase stuff out and I have 2 issues that I am looking for help one ...

If Modified Since HTTP Header Test Failed
If Modified Since HTTP Header helps the search engines crawlers to understand whether they need to recrawl your page. If your page or post has been updated after the search engines have crawled it, then your page will send a 304 Modified Header and invite all the search engines to recrawl your page.

How to fix
If your web server does not support this feature or if your server administrator does not want to enable it, there are other alternatives depending on what CMS your website uses, if any. For example, the WordPress plguin "If Modified Since HTTP Header" will implement it even if your web server doesn't.

WWW Resolve Failed
Unfortunately, your website does not direct and with the same URL.
It is important to perform redirection of requests from the non-primary domain because search engines consider the URL-type address and the address without "WWW" as two different websites.

How to fix
Find out what caused WWW Resolve failure (DNS records or .htaccess) and implement it into .htaccess:

WWW Resolve with www.

RewriteEngine on
RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} !^www\.example\.com$ [NC]
RewriteRule ^(.*)$$1 [R=301,L]

WWW Resolve without www.

RewriteEngine on
RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^www\.example\.com$ [NC]
RewriteRule ^(.*)$$1 [R=301,L]

***** please note that in both the above my ISP was no help and in (2) I do have the "WWW prefix requirement:" set to "Doesn't matter"

Hope someone can help!!

6 yıl önce
2.  I don't understand the problem exactly....

I see that you have a site at parts. and what appears to be a different site at www.
Are they two different stores running in the same nopCommerce instance?

Are you wanting all traffic to resolve to one of those addresses in particular, or should they both be accessible independently?
6 yıl önce
I'm trying to drive the traffic to the site so from the Admin Panel I set that the www shouldn't matter but the reporting software says it's critical to the panda google ranking, and the Modified Since HTTP header test - dang I just don't know
6 yıl önce
QEDDave wrote:
I'm trying to drive the traffic to the site so from the Admin Panel I set that the www shouldn't matter but the reporting software says it's critical to the panda google ranking, and the Modified Since HTTP header test - dang I just don't know appears that your SSL certificate is only valid on the following domain:

Besides, using a double-sub-domain is kinda bad practice anyway.

I'd set the www prefix setting to "Pages should NOT have www", and set the "Force SSL for all site pages" to true.

Is the other site, located at, a separate development site or is it the same site(but different store)?

If it's the same site, then you need to remove the "" site binding in IIS.
You only need two binding entries for your site:
TYPE   HOSTNAME                   PORT    ADDRESS

http   80     yourIPaddress
https   443    yourIPaddress

By having the does NOT require www prefix setting enabled, you can be certain that all your traffic will resolve to, which is what your SSL certificate covers.

If the website on a separate IIS site, then you will adjust it's site bindings to have the following entries:
TYPE   HOSTNAME                   PORT    ADDRESS

http        80       yourIPaddress
http    80       yourIPaddress
6 yıl önce
Regarding the If-Modified-Since HTTP-Header....

I don't think that IIS supports it by default, but pretty much every aspect of the nopCommerce site has a "CreatedOnUtc" and "UpdatedOnUtc" value, so I presume that it will be necessary for you to either create a plugin or modify your source code to dynamically fetch and write the pertinent value to each page in a response header... either in the _Views/Shared/_Root.Head.cstml..or maybe in the Web.Config with the other headers.

The date format in UpdatedOnUtc is different than what they expect in the If-Modified-Since header, so you will have to also do some date formatting.

This would be a good feature suggestion for the next version of nopCommerce, because larger sites wouldn't be as heavily spidered by bots and use as much bandwidth.
6 yıl önce
6 yıl önce
Hey quick question on the SEO tweaking metadescription, etc.  A company (from India) put this somewhere in the project as I see it when inspecting with my browser but I can't find it in code or database - any ideas where it is ....


<!DOCTYPE html>
<html >
    <title>Power Tool Replacement Parts for Canada and the USA</title>
    <meta http-equiv="Content-type" content="text/html;charset=UTF-8" />
    <meta name="description" content="Troy Online Sales provides the most outstanding quality of replacement parts and Drill Parts in Vancouver Island &amp; Edmonton Alberta and has been around for many years." />
    <meta name="keywords" content="New Parts Power Tools, Replacement Parts Power Tools" />
    <meta name="generator" content="nopCommerce" />
    <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0, user-scalable=yes">
6 yıl önce
If it isn't the meta description located at admin >> Configuration >> Settings >> General Settings >> SEO, then they must have added it staticly to the /Views/Shared/_Root.Head.cshtml
6 yıl önce
WOW you're the best!  I owe ya something .. you got PayPal??
6 yıl önce
No sweat, man...the upvote is payment enough. ;-)
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