Custom Import of Categories

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6 yıl önce
Hi i have tweaked the import of categories and  products.
Mainly to get language support in the import of data.

The import of products goes well, but i have a issue with the import of categories.
When importing my new categories, everything is inserted in DB correctly and i am able to see the categories in admin view, buti can't see preview it neither see it on the website. But after i have pushed the save button in the dit mode the category is visible.

Note, i dont have to change the category, just push save.
Is there something i need to do more when inserting it in DB?
6 yıl önce
Note this code in the ImportCatecories...

//search engine name
if (setSeName)
  _urlRecordService.SaveSlug(category, category.ValidateSeName(seName, category.Name, true), 0);
6 yıl önce
Thank you. That did the trick!
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