Change Delivery Date Name to another name?

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12 năm cách đây
Nopcommerce Ver. 1.7

Customer Shipping Details Page in admin:

Is there a way to change the word “Delivery Date” to “Order Complete” or “Order Status”
I want to change the “Not yet” to “No” or “Incomplete”
I want to change the “Set as delivered”  button to “Shipped Complete” button.

Is this possible?  And if so will it affect anything other than the customer order page?

Thanks so much for any answers to this question.
12 năm cách đây

I think you should be able to go to Configuration>Location>Languages
And search for

Then edit them and set the value you need

Hope this helps
12 năm cách đây
Okay, maybe I’m not going to be able to do this.    I’ve gone into the Localization and changed the Resource Names and Resource Values for :

Admin.OrderDetails.DeliveryDate / Delivery date:
Admin.OrderDetails.OrderComplete / Order Complete:

Admin.OrderDetails.DeliveryDate.NotYet / Not yet
Admin.OrderDetails.OrderComplete.NotYet / Not yet

Admin.OrderDetails.SetAsDeliveredButton / Set as delivered
Admin.OrderDetails.SetAsCompletedButton/ Set as completed

Admin.OrderDetails.DeliveryDate.Tooltip / This date this order was delivered
Admin.OrderDetails.OrderComplete.Tooltip / The date this order was shipped complete

Then I went into my root file /Administration / Modules / OrderDetails.ascx
And changed the details from above to my changes.  I saved everything and uploaded it.  

When I went back into ADMIN Control Panel and tried to access Order Details / Shipping Info on a customer to see if the changes went into affect I got the following error:

Server Error in ‘/’ Application
Compilation Error
Description: An error occurred during the compilation of a resource required to service this request.  Please review the following specific error details and modify your source code appropriately.  

Compiler Error Message: CS1061:  ‘ASP.administration_modules_orderdetails_ascx’ does not contain a definition for ‘btnSetAsCompleted_Click’ and no extension method “btnSetAsCompleted_Click’ accepting a first argument of type.  ‘ASP.Administration_modules_orderdetails.ascx’ could be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)

Source Error:  (Line 1014 was highlighted in Red)
Line 1012:    <td class=”adminData”>
Line 1013:    <asp:Label  ID=”lblordercompleted” runat=”server”></asp:Label>
Line 1014: (ERROR HERE)  <asp:Button ID=”btnSetAsCompleted” CssClass=”adminButton” runat=”server” Text=” <%  $NopResources:Admin.OrderDetails.SetAsCompletedButton.Text  %>”
Line 1015:              onClick=”btnSetAsCompleted_Click”></asp:Button><nopcommerce:confirmationBox runat=”server”
Line 1016:    ID=”cbSetAsCompleted” TargetControlID=”btnSetAsCompleted”  YesText=”<% $NopResources:Admin.Common.Yes %>”

Is this something that can fixed or should I just return everything back to the original data?

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