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15 năm cách đây
Is your store run under SSL or not? I see the SSL option but i want to be know if it will be working or not before that i buy a SSL
Thank you
15 năm cách đây
We'll implement full support for SSL in the next release. But it should work under SSL. You should make some modifications if you want to use SSL now

1) create procedure RequireSSL()
public static void RequireSSL()
   if (CommonHelper.ServerVariables("SERVER_PORT_SECURE") != "1")
      HttpContext.Current.Response.Redirect(CommonHelper.GetStoreHTTPLocation(true) +CommonHelper.GetThisPageName() + "?" + CommonLogic.ServerVariables("QUERY_STRING"));

2) Place it on load event handler of all pages that require SSL encryption.
3) create procedure RequireNonSSL()
public static void RequireNonSSL()
   if (CommonHelper.ServerVariables("SERVER_PORT_SECURE") != "1")
      HttpContext.Current.Response.Redirect(CommonHelper.GetStoreHTTPLocation(false) +CommonHelper.GetThisPageName() + "?" + CommonLogic.ServerVariables("QUERY_STRING"));

4) Place it on load event handler of all pages that do not require SSL encryption.
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