Multilanguage products

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14 năm cách đây
Hi Congratulations for ther great job you all have done.
I download and upgrated the version 1.5 over 1.4. It works fine. But I cannot find HOW I will add categories and products in 2 languages. I have installed 2 languages. The English worls fine and the topics too when I change the language BUt what about products? when I change language they still temain in English.
please help me
14 năm cách đây
14 năm cách đây
larrylan wrote:

Thank you for your reply.
I downloaded, although I did not understand too much for what am I going to do with all those.
At first I imagine that I will have to install the NopcommerceStore ok. What about the rest files  that exist in the folder?
14 năm cách đây
Step 1.  Download the code from the location above (For this example I'm using change set version 50052, I've not tested the latest version yet)

Step 2.  Extract from the RAR file folder name "nopCommerce 1.60" to a location of your choosing.

Step 3.  In the "nopCommerce 1.60" folder look for a file called, "NopCommerce.sln", double click this file to open it in your favorite Web Development text editor.  (I use Visual Studio 2008 Professional)

Step 4.  In the root of the solution, there should be a file called, "ConnectionStrings.config", this file will be located in "....\nopCommerce 1.60\NopCommerceStore", replace .... with wherever you extracted your files to.

Step 5.  Delete the 2nd line of code, your file in the end should only have 2 lines, reading



Step 6.  Set nopCommerceStore as your StartUp project in Visual Studio 2008, then Select, Debug --> Run

Step 7.  I chose to do a Fresh install and not an upgrade on the install page.  The install.aspx page found "...nopCommerce 1.60\NopCommerceStore\Install\install.aspx" is the default page used by the application when a key for the connection string is NOT found in the ConnectionString.config file mentioned earlier.

Step 8.  Enter in your MS SQL Server credential details, then either select "Create New Database" or "Use Existing Database".  Note you must have minimum of Microsoft SQL Server Express 2005 running on your machine or have access to a MS SQL Database Server to create your Database etc...

Step 9.  Continue through the setup and click finish after you have set your admin username and password.

Step 10.  Your solution will crash now.  So quit and open up MS SQL 2005 Management Studio.

Step 11.  Go to "...nopCommerce 1.60\NopCommerceStore\Documents" folder find and run the two sql scripts "LocaleStringResources.sql" and "Upgrade.sql" on your nopCommerce Database.

Step 12.  Go back into your solution, click Start Debugging and voila! your application is running, build no errors and no hiccups.

Step 13.  Log into the administration section, Select, Configurations --> Location--> Languages.  Add your language, (you may need the XML translation file for your specified new language)

Step 14.  Goto edit a Category/Product, you should now see extra tabs which identifies your Category/Product in your specified language.

Step 15.  You will also notice (using the default nopCommerce Skin) a small drop down on the top right next to the currency drop down which now signifies the language/locale that you are using.

I hope this has been informative for you.



P.S. to the nopCommerce team, looks like a job well done so far.  I'm a happy camper...  I think I need to sort out my xml locale files though as everything is looking a little screwy when I change locales!? :S
14 năm cách đây
larrylan wrote:
Step 1.  Download the code from the location above (For this example I'm using change set version 50052, I've not tested the latest version yet)

Hi, I would like to use your code if I could as well. But what do you mean by "...the location above"

Cheers, Ev
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