How to recompile the source

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14 年 前
what is the recommended procedure or steps to recomplie the source and application.

I have the source and VS2008.

I am newbie at this and I do not wnat to screw up... Thanks
14 年 前
Once you've made your changes to the source, you can build the solution via the Menu bar in VS:
Build -> Build Solution

Depending on which mode you build in (Debug/Release), the compiled assemblies will be in 'SolutionFolder'\'ProjectName'\bin\debug or release

Just copy the dll and place it in the bin folder in your website installation.

Save a copy of your current dll just in case ;)
14 年 前
I have vs 2008 standard, I open my site on the host as a website...
I have the option to build website, rebuild website and Publish website.

I do not have build solution and I do not get a folder in the bin folder.

what is wrong with my set up?
14 年 前
There is no need to recompile the website portion of the installation.  Those files you can just modified and upload directly to the site (or run locally).

You would need to recompile any of the projects located in the source solution.  If you don't wish to change the source code, you don't need to worry about compiling anything.

Hope that is clear.
14 年 前
Not quite as clear as I would like , but were getting closer,

My question is : : is the contact_us.ascx and.cs in the solution directory?

or is it a file I can edit directly, like I have done with all the other files I have modiefied that are in the Modules Directory

I do not seem to be able to see the results of my changes to this file. althought it is edit and changed in the Modules directory.

I am also using frontpage extenstion to VS/8000 3.5
14 年 前
this is my build i see no solution directory

------ Build started: Project:, Configuration: Debug Any CPU ------
Validating Web Site
Building directory '/Administration/Modules/'.
Building directory '/Administration/Payment/AuthorizeNET/'.
Building directory '/Administration/Payment/CashOnDelivery/'.
Building directory '/Administration/Payment/CDGcommerce/'.
Building directory '/Administration/Payment/Check/'.
Building directory '/Administration/Payment/eWay/'.
Building directory '/Administration/Payment/GoogleCheckout/'.
Building directory '/Administration/Payment/Manual/'.
Building directory '/Administration/Payment/Moneybookers/'.
Building directory '/Administration/Payment/PayFlowPro/'.
Building directory '/Administration/Payment/PayPalDirect/'.
Building directory '/Administration/Payment/PayPalExpress/'.
Building directory '/Administration/Payment/PayPalStandard/'.
Building directory '/Administration/Payment/PSIGate/'.
Building directory '/Administration/Payment/TwoCheckout/'.
Building directory '/Administration/Payment/Worldpay/'.
Building directory '/Administration/Shipping/ShippingByTotalConfigure/'.
Building directory '/Administration/Shipping/ShippingByWeightAndCountryConfigure/'.
Building directory '/Administration/Shipping/ShippingByWeightConfigure/'.
Building directory '/Administration/Shipping/UPSConfigure/'.
Building directory '/Administration/Shipping/USPSConfigure/'.
Building directory '/Administration/Tax/General/'.
Building directory '/Administration/Tax/StrikeIron/'.
Building directory '/Administration/'.
Building directory '/Boards/'.
Building directory '/Controls/'.
Building directory '/editors/BBEditor/'.
Building directory '/editors/fckeditor/editor/dialog/common/'.
Building directory '/editors/fckeditor/editor/dialog/fck_flash/'.
Building directory '/editors/fckeditor/editor/dialog/fck_image/'.
Building directory '/editors/fckeditor/editor/dialog/fck_link/'.
Building directory '/editors/fckeditor/editor/dialog/fck_select/'.
Building directory '/editors/fckeditor/editor/dialog/fck_spellerpages/spellerpages/'.
Building directory '/editors/fckeditor/editor/dtd/'.
Building directory '/editors/fckeditor/editor/filemanager/browser/default/js/'.
Building directory '/editors/fckeditor/editor/js/'.
Building directory '/editors/fckeditor/editor/lang/'.
Building directory '/editors/fckeditor/editor/plugins/autogrow/'.
Building directory '/editors/fckeditor/editor/plugins/bbcode/_sample/'.
Building directory '/editors/fckeditor/editor/plugins/bbcode/'.
Building directory '/editors/fckeditor/editor/plugins/dragresizetable/'.
Building directory '/editors/fckeditor/editor/plugins/nopcombo/'.
Building directory '/editors/fckeditor/editor/plugins/placeholder/lang/'.
Building directory '/editors/fckeditor/editor/plugins/placeholder/'.
Building directory '/editors/fckeditor/editor/plugins/simplecommands/'.
Building directory '/editors/fckeditor/editor/plugins/tablecommands/'.
Building directory '/editors/fckeditor/editor/skins/default/'.
Building directory '/editors/fckeditor/editor/skins/office2003/'.
Building directory '/editors/fckeditor/editor/skins/silver/'.
Building directory '/editors/fckeditor/editor/_source/classes/'.
Building directory '/editors/fckeditor/editor/_source/commandclasses/'.
Building directory '/editors/fckeditor/editor/_source/internals/'.
Building directory '/editors/fckeditor/editor/_source/'.
Building directory '/editors/fckeditor/'.
Building directory '/files/editors/BBEditor/'.
Building directory '/files/editors/fckeditor/editor/dialog/common/'.
Building directory '/files/editors/fckeditor/editor/dialog/fck_flash/'.
Building directory '/files/editors/fckeditor/editor/dialog/fck_image/'.
Building directory '/files/editors/fckeditor/editor/dialog/fck_link/'.
Building directory '/files/editors/fckeditor/editor/dialog/fck_select/'.
Building directory '/files/editors/fckeditor/editor/dialog/fck_spellerpages/spellerpages/'.
Building directory '/files/editors/fckeditor/editor/dtd/'.
Building directory '/files/editors/fckeditor/editor/filemanager/browser/default/js/'.
Building directory '/files/editors/fckeditor/editor/js/'.
Building directory '/files/editors/fckeditor/editor/lang/'.
Building directory '/files/editors/fckeditor/editor/plugins/autogrow/'.
Building directory '/files/editors/fckeditor/editor/plugins/bbcode/_sample/'.
Building directory '/files/editors/fckeditor/editor/plugins/bbcode/'.
Building directory '/files/editors/fckeditor/editor/plugins/dragresizetable/'.
Building directory '/files/editors/fckeditor/editor/plugins/nopcombo/'.
Building directory '/files/editors/fckeditor/editor/plugins/placeholder/lang/'.
Building directory '/files/editors/fckeditor/editor/plugins/placeholder/'.
Building directory '/files/editors/fckeditor/editor/plugins/simplecommands/'.
Building directory '/files/editors/fckeditor/editor/plugins/tablecommands/'.
Building directory '/files/editors/fckeditor/editor/skins/default/'.
Building directory '/files/editors/fckeditor/editor/skins/office2003/'.
Building directory '/files/editors/fckeditor/editor/skins/silver/'.
Building directory '/files/editors/fckeditor/editor/_source/classes/'.
Building directory '/files/editors/fckeditor/editor/_source/'.
Building directory '/files/editors/fckeditor/'.
Building directory '/Install/'.
Building directory '/js/'.
Building directory '/KeepAlive/'.
Building directory '/MasterPages/'.
Building directory '/Modules/flash/App_Code/ModuleName/'.
Building directory '/Modules/flash/'.
Building directory '/Modules/wc_info/swfobject/'.
Building directory '/Modules/wc_info/'.
Building directory '/Modules/'.
Building directory '/Properties/'.
Building directory '/Templates/Categories/'.
Building directory '/Templates/Manufacturers/'.
Building directory '/Templates/Payment/AuthorizeNET/'.
Building directory '/Templates/Payment/CashOnDelivery/'.
Building directory '/Templates/Payment/CDGcommerce/'.
Building directory '/Templates/Payment/Check/'.
Building directory '/Templates/Payment/eWay/'.
Building directory '/Templates/Payment/Manual/'.
Building directory '/Templates/Payment/Moneybookers/'.
Building directory '/Templates/Payment/PayFlowPro/'.
Building directory '/Templates/Payment/PayPalDirect/'.
Building directory '/Templates/Payment/PayPalStandard/'.
Building directory '/Templates/Payment/PSIGate/'.
Building directory '/Templates/Payment/PurchaseOrder/'.
Building directory '/Templates/Payment/TwoCheckout/'.
Building directory '/Templates/Payment/Worldpay/'.
Building directory '/Templates/Products/'.
Building directory '/'.

Validation Complete
========== Build: 1 succeeded or up-to-date, 0 failed, 0 skipped ==========
14 年 前
hey guys,

I just managed to break my working solution, eeek. I hope someone can help.

I have a virtual machine running XP and Visual Studio 2008. nopCommerce is setup on here - which is where I do my testing.

On a remote Windows 2003 R2 server I have IIS 6 running the nopCommerce store - live.

Now, here is how I broke it all.

I needed to change some things on the live nopCommerce site, so I changed one small thing in BaseNopPage.cs - within VS on my Virtual Machine. Then I recompiled the site.

After that I copied the NopCommerceStore.dll and NopCommerceStore.pdb from the /bin folder onto the server, hoping this would make the change active.

Prior to this step, I made copies of the original NopCommerceStore.dll and NopCommerceStore.pdb, then renamed them to .old so I could paste the files from my Virtual Machine.

Now when I  browse to the site, I get this error:

Server Error in '/ITS' Application.

Could not load file or assembly 'Copy of NopCommerceStore' or one of its dependencies. The located assembly's manifest definition does not match the assembly reference. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x80131040)

It is looking for the copied files some how, rather than the replaced/modified files.

How can I get the site to refer to the original files - or do I need to re-create the whole site?

(I dont have virtual studio installed on the server)
14 年 前
hey guys,

I just managed to break my working solution, eeek. I hope someone can help.

I have a virtual machine running XP and Visual Studio 2008. nopCommerce is setup on here - which is where I do my testing.

On a remote Windows 2003 R2 server I have IIS 6 running the nopCommerce store - live.

Now, here is how I broke it all.

I needed to change some things on the live nopCommerce site, so I changed one small thing in BaseNopPage.cs - within VS on my Virtual Machine. Then I recompiled the site.

After that I copied the NopCommerceStore.dll and NopCommerceStore.pdb from the /bin folder onto the server, hoping this would make the change active.

Prior to this step, I made copies of the original NopCommerceStore.dll and NopCommerceStore.pdb, then renamed them to .old so I could paste the files from my Virtual Machine.

Now when I  browse to the site, I get this error:

Server Error in '/ITS' Application.

Could not load file or assembly 'Copy of NopCommerceStore' or one of its dependencies. The located assembly's manifest definition does not match the assembly reference. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x80131040)

It is looking for the copied files some how, rather than the replaced/modified files.

How can I get the site to refer to the original files - or do I need to re-create the whole site?

(I dont have virtual studio installed on the server)
14 年 前
disregard the above - all working now phew! moved files to new folder.
14 年 前
Hi tech,

I am encountring again same issue. Since on Remote machine dnt have any IDE to bebug and test the application. What is wrong going on . It running fine on my local environemnt but on Server it breaking.

Any help will be appreciated!!

Thanks in Advance,
This topic was automatically closed 365 days after the last reply. New replies are no longer allowed.