Your thoughts about a new default template for nopCommerce 2.70 (or 2.80)

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11 年 前
theonlylawislove wrote:
...Very nice! If I can ever get some free time, this would be done.

Thank you, I'm glad you like it.

@nopCommerce(concept) {
.checkout-data {}
.order-details {}
.product-filters {}

@Bootstrap(concept) {
.span1-12{display: hero;}

use nopCommerce concept a little + Bootstrap concept = Perfect!!
11 年 前
I have been looking at the demo of the new theme.  I have a question about the layout of the contact us page.

Shouldn't the Enquiry textbox be under the name textbox and email textbox and the submit button on the right?  In my browser the Enquiry textbox shows up on the right side of the name and email fields.  

Is this a bug or is it by design?  Just checking.
11 年 前
a.m. wrote:
Please do not ask such questions here. This forum topics is about absolutely another stuff.

Ok, I will try to explain more clear and please, move this explanation where is it place. OK?

Each time I care about "3-clicks rules" to finish purchase, but use FF.
About filtering - I can't see any dynamic filters for goods, e.g. build your own PC.
My store has PC with Intel and AMD processors, which linked with special sockets|motherboards and videos, etc.. I can't see and filter full list of items and => it is 1 BIG inconvenience.

When you forget to select something, site show red message on top of windows (really I can't find why I can't pass this page after first look) => no any red remarks near missing element! If list of units is big, I can search and scroll again to achieve place (-es).

If I select country|zip code firstly and then insert wrong coupon|gift card, I receive error-message and page update -> all data lost and I must select country|zip code again.

shayt wrote:
I want ask you again about "What is the difference between Address and Shipping" ?
Why did you create separate pages for it?

We have 3 pages with information about customer.

[quote]there is a billing address[/quote]
page Billing address: - I insert Country, State / province, Zip / postal code on Shopping cart page. Question - WHY I receive empty value and can re-write it here?

Ok, I fill it and lets go to Next page.

[quote]and shipping address[/quote]If 1 want to correct 1 field or add some comments for order, WHERE can I do it?

"Shipping method" - How can I use "scheduler by weight|size| delivery zones"? Is it possible dynamically (recalculation of delivery cost) receive it?

[quote]they can be equal, but they can be different.[/quote]Yes, but what is about any button like "copy address"?

P.S. I can write more about:
- any preview sub-pages with amounts per some pages
- 1 page instead of 2 "Payment method" + "Payment information", but don't want spend your time, because may be it is non-correct place for my questions.
11 年 前
Listen guy, this topic is for another matter. Post your enquiry somewhere else.
11 年 前
Godji wrote:
...Very nice! If I can ever get some free time, this would be done.

Thank you, I'm glad you like it.

@nopCommerce(concept) {
.checkout-data {}
.order-details {}
.product-filters {}

@Bootstrap(concept) {
.span1-12{display: hero;}

use nopCommerce concept a little + Bootstrap concept = Perfect!!

I agree with Godji, integrate nopCommerce with Bootstrap can 'be the best solution.

11 年 前
infinito62 wrote:
Listen guy, this topic is for another matter. Post your enquiry somewhere else.

Hi infinito62,

Thank you for your comment, but it is NOT ENQUIRY! It is what I can see in REAL default template. And it is my answer about "Your thoughts about a new default template for nopCommerce 2.70 (or 2.80)"!!
And it is USABILITY for end-customer, who buy products! I plan start use it, but I can see many gaps in business-functionality for this release.

A.M., You are boss here and, please, move my post to real place. And I stop write my business-technical points here. Excuse me.

P.S.  infinito62, I thought You thought about product for web-store, but I can see you produce it for development purpose only.

P.P.S. FYI - I have "small knowledge" in web-retail area and can speak about some points, e.g. performance issue and tags, but it is real double work to have functionality, which doesn't support traditional "3 click rules"! + You need to understand, what performance or view issue is not so important, if you have very low conversation rate, because potential customer didn't finish basket on your site.
11 年 前
Hi Andrei,

Happy New Year!

We wish you, nopCommerce and the whole nopCommerce community a healthy and very successful 2013 year!

We noticed that the category navigation renders an empty ul element for the currently active category.

The rendered html is like this:
<li class="active">
        <a href="/accessories">Accessories
            <ul class="sublist">


There is no need to render the empty ul when there are not subcategories for the current category.

11 年 前

As per my suggestion should have to go along with collaboration of Bootstrapper CSS with professional store with next gen look for nopCommerce in next version.

Anil Godhani
11 年 前
7Spikes wrote:
...There is no need to render the empty ul when there are not subcategories for the current category...

Hi Milen,

Thanks for reporting. Fixed. Please see changeset 7c6273e0a2c9
11 年 前
Hi Andrei,

Thanks for the fast response.

We just came across another issue in the ManufacturerTemplate.ProductsInGridOrLines.cshtml view.

When rendering the featured products, the products manufacturer products are used instead of the manufacturer featured products. Please see below:

@if (Model.FeaturedProducts.Count > 0)
            <div class="product-grid featured-product-grid">
                <div class="title">
                    @foreach (var product in Model.Products)
                        <div class="item-box">
                            @Html.Partial("_ProductBox", product)
            <div class="clear">

In the foreach statement the Model.FeaturedProducts should be used.

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