After update payment status on order for downloadeble products qty set to zero.

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6 年 前
I see the situation - after update payment status qty for downloadeble products set up to 0.
As I see it done somewhere else than in OrderProcessingService:

   protected virtual void ProcessOrderPaid(Order order)
            if (order == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("order");

            //raise event
            _eventPublisher.Publish(new OrderPaidEvent(order));
            // -- after this qty set to 0

            //order paid email notification
            if (order.OrderTotal != decimal.Zero)
                //we should not send it for free ($0 total) orders?
                //remove this "if" statement if you want to send it in this case

                var orderPaidAttachmentFilePath = _orderSettings.AttachPdfInvoiceToOrderPaidEmail ?
                    _pdfService.PrintOrderToPdf(order) : null;

So I know how to use HandleEvent but I cannot find the correct one.
6 年 前
Are you developing a plugin? I would like to suggest to handle it separately.

public class OrderPaidEvents : IConsumer<OrderPaidEvent>
   public void HandleEvent(OrderPaidEvent eventMessage)
     var orderData = eventMessage.Order;          

6 年 前
Yes sure. The question was i have several plugins and i cant find one wich use event OrderPaied and set up qty for items to zero. But i find it at last - so question is solved!
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