Call shipping method after successful payment

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6 年 前
We have our shipping company in iran, in our service, customers submit a shipment and our agents go to pickup address, get a product and carry to destination address.
I want to create shipping method for nopCommerce customers who wants use our service.
I wrote an api in our services for calculate shipping rate for display to users and i want after customers select our shipping method and successfully pay orders, post pickup and destination address to another api for submit new shipment in our database...
so, can i call selected shippingMethod plugin after payment? or after submit a new Shipment in admin panel ?

thank you
6 年 前

When order is going to placed or paid. nopCommerce checking everything is good like stock qty, addresses, shipping method etc. then they are allowing to place an order.

So must need to customize in nopCommerce checkout controller. but make sure order total should update after shipping  applied. that's the reason nopCommerce is not allowing now for shipping selection after payment. front end customer will confuse. it will work when shipping price fix.

6 年 前
thanks Jatin,
but i just want call my plugin after payment for process shipping in our service, and if it possible, without any change in nopCommerce source because its a plugin ! any body can install and use it.
6 年 前
Create a plugin that handles the OrderPlacedEvent - e.g.
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