disable ssl setting - how to do this via sql query express

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6 年 前
Hi there
I have version 3.9
I enabled ssl setting after my webhosts said the ssl was set up, but instantly the site went offline and will not load.
Is there a way to turn this setting back to off via sql query express?
im not really technical and realise that sql query express is a cut down version but its all i have
Thanks !!
6 年 前
hi there

host reports ssl has been correctly installed so maybe its something i did
i checked enable ssl
i added the hhtps version of the url in the field below this.
any idea why the site now would not load?
6 年 前

Two place you need to change for SSL turned off.

1. Go to store table. Remove https url and put back http one in [Url] field. then run below query
  Update [dbname].[dbo].[Store]
  set SslEnabled = 0, SecureUrl = NULL

2. Then go to setting table. run below query

Update [dbname].[dbo].[Setting]
  set Value = 'False'
  where Name = 'securitysettings.forcesslforallpages'

6 年 前
Hello forefront
Thanks for the very fast response and detail.
can you tell me which programme i need to connect and i will download it? Im not a techie person but tend to muddle through !
Cheers !
6 年 前

You must need installed two software.

1. Sql server (Download Link)
2. Sql management studio. (Download Link)

Then you need to login with your sql credential. You will find credential from settings.txt file in app_data folder in your hosted site.

6 年 前
Thanks. I will try and download.
as a quick fix if i restore the d/b from a back up (before ssl was enabled) would that remove the ssl setting so i can get it back up quickly?
6 年 前
Thanks. I will try and download.
as a quick fix if i restore the d/b from a back up (before ssl was enabled) would that remove the ssl setting so i can get it back up quickly?
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