Product pictures not being imported

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6 年 前

I'm using nopCommerce 3.90 with source.  I am doing this on a local test system executing the website through Visual Studio 2017.

I have almost 8,000 products to import from Excel.  Since the Excel import option on the products list page recommends importing about 1,000 products at a time, I created eight Excel workbooks to accommodate this.

When I import the first 1,000, it processes, but when it is done, it displays the message "The path is not of a legal form".

From reading some of the posts here, it seems that the problem is there are leading/trailing spaces in the Picture1, Picture2 or Picture3 columns.  It did import all 1,000 products.

I looked at all of the picture columns in the Excel import file and don't see anything wrong.  Of course, I can't check every one of the picture columns text, but I did check some of them and I don't see anything wrong.

Before starting the import, I exported the product file and looked at the picture columns.  They have something like this:
C:\Users\Tony\Documents\Visual Studio 2017\Projects\Lakeside390\Presentation\Nop.Web\content\images\thumbs\0000035_nikon-d5500-dslr.jpeg

I used the same folder name and appended the filename for the product picture.  The pictures are downloaded and in that folder.

Does anyone know why the product import will not accept the picture columns that I have in my import file?

6 年 前
Create a test Excel file with just one record.  You have source, so you can step through the code to see why the problem occurs.
6 年 前
Thanks for the suggestion.

In doing that, I found that my Picture3 columns had a space(" ") if it does not have a picture.

All pictures got imported.

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