4.60.4 caching issue

2 周 前
Hello everyone, I have been experiencing a caching issue in this version for a while now.

Whenever I update some admin panel settings like customer settings or address settings, the database records are updated, but I still see the old values in my browser page for a while.
Even when I send a request from the API, it still reads the old values of the settings.

I have also faced similar errors during topics and plugin installation processes where the database records are updated, but the cache still holds the old values. Initially, I was using Redis distributed cache, but I thought switching to in-memory cache would fix the problem, but the issue still persists. Has anyone else experienced this kind of problem before?
2 周 前
We've been experiencing the same thing, nop 4.70.1. After updating something in the Admin area the view continues to show the old value but the database shows the updated value. If I then clear the cache the view shows the correct value.
2 周 前
Can you please provide repro steps?  Do you see any errors in the log at that time?
2 周 前
Hello, @AdamK I can not see any log related to this problem in my db.

I have multiple stores and vendors. Ignore the ACL rules (sitewide) and the "limit per store" rules (sitewide) as they are currently being ignored.

In general, I am unable to update my settings properly. Whenever I try to update a setting, the corresponding database record gets updated, but the front-end still displays the old value. Furthermore, even when I perform tasks related to this setting, the old value is still being used. We have hundreds of settings in our panel, but we are unable to update any of them properly.

We have tried updating some settings, waiting for a minute, clearing the cache, and even restarting the application, but to no avail. We are not sure why this is happening. We plan to migrate our application to 4.70.3, but @rhshc has informed us that this problem also exists in 4.70+ versions. Can anyone please help us with this issue?
2 周 前
mtas wrote:
Hello, @AdamK I can not see any log related to this problem in my db.

I have multiple stores and vendors. Ignore the ACL rules (sitewide) and the "limit per store" rules (sitewide) as they are currently being ignored.

In general, I am unable to update my settings properly. Whenever I try to update a setting, the corresponding database record gets updated, but the front-end still displays the old value. Furthermore, even when I perform tasks related to this setting, the old value is still being used. We have hundreds of settings in our panel, but we are unable to update any of them properly.

We have tried updating some settings, waiting for a minute, clearing the cache, and even restarting the application, but to no avail. We are not sure why this is happening. We plan to migrate our application to 4.70.3, but @rhshc has informed us that this problem also exists in 4.70+ versions. Can anyone please help us with this issue?

I'm on the latest nopCommerce version currently and looking at Customer Settings in /Admin/Setting/CustomerUser - everything is updating correctly for me, and the cache is properly cleared.  

Are you running multiple instances?  If you have more than one instance responding to requests and aren't using distributed caching like redis, this could occur.
1 周 前
AdamK wrote:
Hello, @AdamK I can not see any log related to this problem in my db.

I have multiple stores and vendors. Ignore the ACL rules (sitewide) and the "limit per store" rules (sitewide) as they are currently being ignored.

In general, I am unable to update my settings properly. Whenever I try to update a setting, the corresponding database record gets updated, but the front-end still displays the old value. Furthermore, even when I perform tasks related to this setting, the old value is still being used. We have hundreds of settings in our panel, but we are unable to update any of them properly.

We have tried updating some settings, waiting for a minute, clearing the cache, and even restarting the application, but to no avail. We are not sure why this is happening. We plan to migrate our application to 4.70.3, but @rhshc has informed us that this problem also exists in 4.70+ versions. Can anyone please help us with this issue?

I'm on the latest nopCommerce version currently and looking at Customer Settings in /Admin/Setting/CustomerUser - everything is updating correctly for me, and the cache is properly cleared.  

Are you running multiple instances?  If you have more than one instance responding to requests and aren't using distributed caching like redis, this could occur.

Hello again,
Did you mean multi-store configuration when you say "multiple instance"?

If yes, yes I have 5 store in one nopcommerce instance. On top of that, in the same server I have another nopcommerce instance with different urls

My configurations are like that.

Server 1
- IIS Server (It has 3 nopcommerce instance)
   - testexample.com (5store)
      - testexamplestore1.com
      - testexamplestore2.com
      - testexamplestore3.com
      - testexamplestore4.com
      - testexamplestore4.com
  - uatexample.com (5 store)
- testanotherexample.com (1 store)

Do I need to do something to isolate caches of each store?
1 周 前
What's your hosting provider?  Are you familiar with Redis cache?
1 周 前
@mtas "We have tried updating some settings, ...and even restarting the application..."

Really, "even restarting the application"?
Which cache type are you using now?  (In-Memory, Redis, ...)  Please chck your appsettings.json file
1 周 前
Hello @New York and @AdamK

I am using IIS 10 on Windows Server 2019.

I used both memory cache and Redis. I was using redis before and thought that it is because distributed cache problem, but the same thing happened in in-memory cache setting also.
1 周 前
Does updating Customer settings work when you run locally?

If not, place a breakpoint on the ClearCacheAsync function in SaveSettingAsync within SettingService.cs.  Is that breakpoint being hit?    

Does your nopCommerce codebase have customization that might interfere?

What browser are you using?